This week I won't get to be online at my usual time, so I left early for work to get a post up this week.
I'll be running myself ragged at work with a six-day work - schedule, one beginning in the am when normally I sleep. It will be all I can do to get groceries n laundry done in one day.
This week had another person, my ex-BIL , departed from the living. Due to his religion, burial took place already n there is no way to do anything or go anywhere. It's tough to just keep working when you are sad about the way things are. I'm too good at not reacting when I probably should.
I've noticed that just because folks get divorced doesn't mean once you've let some one into your heart doesn't mean you can lock them out n not care when life throws them a curve ball.
They are still parents of my nieces n nephews who I knew for years at gatherings they can no longer attend. I still consider them family, but don't get to visit with them. I still have an ex SIL who remarried, n I haven't seen her in awhile, but do miss her. I found a hand-written note in a card she sent ages ago, n tho it says nothing much, it does say she cares between the lines. That I must hang onto as I attempt to let go of them again.
Someone's been shucking quahogs, muscles, n oysters. I don't eat seafood, have had a few bad reactions. I'm sure the folks who like it are bummed out shell-fishing is closed on most swimming beaches with the summer season.
Hope to find more blog time next week. Have a good one!