Thursday, January 28, 2016

Tough to Recall

Image by SnaggleTooth Jan 27 2016

(middle eight)
Gliddy glub gloopy; Nibby nabby noopy
La la la lo lo...
Sabba sibby sabba; Nooby abba nabba
Le le lo lo...
Tooby ooby walla; Nooby abba nabba
Early morning singin' song.

Image by SnaggleTooth Jan 27 2016
Every time I read n sing these lyrics I force myself to feel silly, n it does improve my mood.

They are from the old musical : "Hair" (Galt MacDermot / James Rado / Gerome Ragni)  song,
"Good Morning Star shine" 

But I know my brain isin't as good at learning now, because I can read n sing this, but when I'm working bored silly, I can't for the life of me remember them correctly without being able to read them. 

Image by SnaggleTooth Jan 27 2016

I'll  have to come up with a trick for remembering. Kinda like when an old singing buddy n me had to perform our harmonized version of "Heart of Gold" n always chanted "Getting n Growing!, Getting n Growing!, ..." before the song to both get the "... and I'm ______ old" part in correct order.

When I used to play "Stairway to Heaven" at gigs I devised a cheat-sheet of the first words to each verse so I wouldn't mix them up, n had it taped to the back of the guitar.

Image by SnaggleTooth Jan 27 2016
 Probably it's the "while under pressure" factor doing in my brain. I'm under way too much pressure most of my day. I even have to count down seconds while on bathroom runs, n I do usually have to run to make it back before production crap literally hits the floor- then I have to work more after to get the amounts needed.

Lately almost every time I get an early break n some one takes over for me, I'm punished by having extra to do after I should be done for the day, due to the replacement worker breaking the product. On my Friday it happened again. I was told not to worry about it, then I had to do the make-up amount (a two-person job) by myself, when I should've been done for the day.

I get so sick of being punished for others disregard for doing a good job. They will probably be rewarded by not being allowed to do it again, then they tell their friends, n they will get out of it too. The young folks lately have zero pride in their work reputation.

Image by SnaggleTooth Jan 27 2016

Hey, maybe "Gloppy" can be used to remember "Gliddy glub gloopy;" to begin that lyric...  
I'll wait until I'm back under pressure n see if it works. 

(Who else would do this to their brain on purpose???)

Photo by SnaggleTooth 2016
(Pic : How to make snow piles look hot...)

Thursday, January 21, 2016

No Idea

Image by SnaggleTooth 2016

There are so many pics made from MonstR Q I could fill a book with them... This is a different one.

Image by SnaggleTooth 2016

The only reason work is bearable this week, is all the switching things around leaves you guessing day to day what will happen as you enter the next time.

About the stupidest thing the company did so far, in my opinion, is for years to give everyone free, fresh coffee to get addicted to, n then this week- suddenly disconnect the brewing machine. Of course they expect the same productivity while so many are stuck without caffeine access for days on end. 

Image by SnaggleTooth 2016

Also after they moved the break room location, we are stuck without any faucets with cold drinking water. Luckily it didn't affect me much, because I bring drinks every day from home. At least the supervisor went n got some water bottles to hand out.

Image by SnaggleTooth 2016

Another dumb thing was to set up store order racks in an area where there are huge, black plastic tarps hung from the ceiling to to the floor for control of and-blasted dust. They block most of the lamps light, n it's difficult to read the 10 point text order sheets to place goods,  so very slow to get it done, never mind a floor crowded with folks who can't pass or get though the bottle-necked isles.
Pure crazy-ness in action there.

Image by SnaggleTooth 2016

My big joke that day was saying, "I am the great n powerful Oz! Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain..."

 I was very relieved the boss decided to keep me on regular hours to help at the local order-filling, truck-loading stage instead of the earlier shift traveling to another plant near Boston I'd thought would happen. Phew! They are trucking goods here to place on orders. I'm not the same sore as normal. Still tho. I'm really tired from doing things I'm not used to. Much cleaner clothes too.

Photo by SnaggleTooth 2016

When I got home the other night I shoveled about 3 inches of snow. More is expected this week-end.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

MonstR Q

Image by SnaggleTooth 2016

Why must we spend January catching up...

On remembering what the goals are,

Bills, sleep, cleaning,

Dieting, exercising, searching

Finding warmth where we can -

Digging out from the clutter

Finding quiet away from the chase.

Scolding ourselves into action

When stasis is preferred.


Image by SnaggleTooth 2016
It would be so easy to avoid the library walk in this frigid weather, but I need to get out of the house to think. Too much what I can't do while home.

too much loss of motivation trying not to anger folks with noise while always up late. The put-off list is growing the longer I stay.

Image by SnaggleTooth 2016

This week I'm trying to sleep earlier, n prepare for a week of working days at another location while the company is renovating the cement floor. It should be easy to work daytime after 20 years of nights n then flip right back to nights again... NOT!

Image by SnaggleTooth 2016

I figure this will be painful, working when I usually sleep. I won't get to bring supplies I usually would either. But at least it'll be a change of scenery for a short while, plus only a few co-workers will be there. It should be less aggravating than usual. still fast paced, but quieter.

Image by SnaggleTooth 2016

Image by SnaggleTooth 2016

Here goes a few very long work weeks shifting work-spaces until the whole place is done. at least I get to keep working. Just hope I'm not  a complete zombie by next week...

Image by SnaggleTooth 2016

This was a pile of received holiday gifts for a Young One. Don't know if the monster has a tv name...? Just thought he was cute, n had no idea I'd get such cool pics from it.

Thursday, January 07, 2016

Nude Beer


Image by SnaggleTooth 2016
I mean New Years- (HIC!)
Bad, bad old joke-
I must be drinking (only chocolate Yoohoo). 
Image by SnaggleTooth 2016
Image by SnaggleTooth 2016

I think a nude beer would be a bottle with no label...

Bet that post title will get all kinds of hits, from disappointed porno searchers... Well according to google, most of my recent audience IS from Russia- I'm thinking it's all the "Vas Es Los" post title responsible for that. Just thought to see if new stats happen elsewhere- I'm always doing strange experiments... Out with the Old, In with the ... new stuff we don't know where to cram in this little room. Actually my "Before n After" went well, n I'm barely recovering from that right now, having taken another sick day next to Days Off again after skipping so much regular sleep for that.

I got a new, used machine to see if I can hook-up to wi-Fi from here. Still working on that- You'll notice if I'm online more, all you folks who really matter!

I also got a little, fold-down screen dvd player- n I'm so happy to be halfway through the Star Wars n Harry Potter movies (Series)  again! They were the easiest to reach in here. I went out to see the new Star Wars film a week before Xmas, "The Force Awakens" n that was fun as part of a b-day party with young ones who will soon all be taller than me. As of now, two of the group already are taller- tho not yet teen-agers. Yikes-

I won't give away the story, but will say the story-line went far off from the continued story in the "New Jedi Order" Series books I've read n collected. Also the action seemed a bit more gory compared to earlier film fight sequences, more suited to older audiences.

Image by SnaggleTooth 2016

Last week, the weather switched on the  Winter button finally. I've switched to my LLBean jacket, scarf, n ear-bands. I dug boots out of a closet box another day. The weather guys are remarking about this being a "Godzilla El Nino" year similar to 1997, but even larger than it's ever been!
Image by SnaggleTooth 2016

Just not looking good on the storm front this year. The western USA is having a heck of a time. Again things seem way out of whack. That's my term while discussing weather recently- "It's all whacked out!"

Maybe another year full of surprises on tap.

Photo by SnaggleTooth 2016

One who was once shorter than I surprised me with new pink-reddish hair on the holiday visit. So I took a pic of it n made all these cool images from it!

(The pics in here did NOT cooperate on placement when text was added... No idea what's up- No time to fix. Oh well- Third image should be the top!)