Nude Beer
I mean New Years- (HIC!)
Bad, bad old joke-
I must be drinking (only chocolate Yoohoo).

Bet that post title will get all kinds of hits, from disappointed porno searchers... Well according to google, most of my recent audience IS from Russia- I'm thinking it's all the "Vas Es Los" post title responsible for that. Just thought to see if new stats happen elsewhere- I'm always doing strange experiments... Out with the Old, In with the ... new stuff we don't know where to cram in this little room. Actually my "Before n After" went well, n I'm barely recovering from that right now, having taken another sick day next to Days Off again after skipping so much regular sleep for that.
I got a new, used machine to see if I can hook-up to wi-Fi from here. Still working on that- You'll notice if I'm online more, all you folks who really matter!
I won't give away the story, but will say the story-line went far off from the continued story in the "New Jedi Order" Series books I've read n collected. Also the action seemed a bit more gory compared to earlier film fight sequences, more suited to older audiences.

Last week, the weather switched on the Winter button finally. I've switched to my LLBean jacket, scarf, n ear-bands. I dug boots out of a closet box another day. The weather guys are remarking about this being a "Godzilla El Nino" year similar to 1997, but even larger than it's ever been!
Just not looking good on the storm front this year. The western USA is having a heck of a time. Again things seem way out of whack. That's my term while discussing weather recently- "It's all whacked out!"
Maybe another year full of surprises on tap.
One who was once shorter than I surprised me with new pink-reddish hair on the holiday visit. So I took a pic of it n made all these cool images from it!
(The pics in here did NOT cooperate on placement when text was added... No idea what's up- No time to fix. Oh well- Third image should be the top!)
Top of who
not beer of nude
photos round
hairs not brown
Have a great year this year.
That hair is so thick...jealous. Love healthy hair no matter the color. That one photo looks like a brain scan. Glad you are better organized and got all your cold weather gear so that you can stay healthy.
Nude beer could be an empty beer bottle. You post sounds great and your mood is good to begin the new year plus who knew what one could do with a healthy head of red hair. Now that is the color wig I would love to have.
So glad you are getting to watch the movies again. I have not seen the new Star Wars film yet, but would love to find it at an imax theater.
Great hair.
I get loads of hits from Russia every day, and have done for years. I've come to the conclusion it's just a bot. They never leave links or spam, but I can't believe I have that many fans in Russia. :D
Happy New Year!!
I had no idea those were made from a cute pre-teen moptop's head.
Winter button finally switched on here too. On Christmas day it was almost 80!!! But good and chilly now.
Oh gotta go, Hubs just got home and needs computer. Down to 1 again at the moment.
why do we write
when so few drop around
why do we write
when none can be found
Ellis, Happy not alot
but a new year is again begun,
'Cause some one decided that was the time to do it-
Wish I had power to "Do Over"
More than I can.
A better year would be great,
Relatively from the past one...
Tabor, yep, wish mine still was! I'm hiding under winter hats lately- Mine is getting pretty thin. Lets hope my brain looks that good on the inside after this week!
Way better than last month so far-
Gran Annie, Yep, almost makes you want to color on the bottle... Michelob is prob the best shape to color... got one in the frig from awhile ago. Bet the stained glass paint have would work. Wonder which drug store he found it at- Wonder if you can color a less desired hairpiece on your own, with synthetic hair?
Lynn, It is a typical Star Wars plot, but parts are disturbing. Imax would make very loud battle scenes... I'm glad I didn't sleep to see it. Hope you get there soon. Thanks
LLcoolJ, Probably, but I always wonder why they have so much online time! Thanks Joe, hope yours is way way better too!
Jannie, so hard to figure out what will be fun to play with. I'm betting we will have snow in July- that the seasons have flipped around, n the authorities aren't telling us...
But they can't fool me. Like that commercial "You can't fool Mother Nature" "It's not butter!" - I now have 4 desk ones in here to play with (1 needs big help) n can barely walk thru- But none are online. Wi Fi will take more time to figure out. Happy NY
Ellis, I think even one reader is wonderful-
I write because
that is who I am...
So do you!
I'd drop by more if this was possible at home-
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