It's been difficult for me to stay on the bright side of moods this week. Remembering the 911 terror attacks from 17 years ago overshadowed most of my on-line time.
Thanks to FB it's been very easy to see the old video footage, plus hear calls made to loved ones before plunging to certain doom. Very sobering to try to comprehend the enormity of losses suffered on that tragic day.
One new fb pal this year went thru grade n high school with me. Trauma from that day haunts n affects him horribly because he was a NY city Cop at the time. He lost many close work friends n attended too many of those funerals. I feel for him n at least can relay that respect for the day his direction. I think it should be a national holiday when you can opt not to work so you can pay respects.
Yes, I had to work.The kid there I worked with Tuesday was a toddler back then in '01, n has no memories of the 911 event. Other folks at work are immigrants who still don't think of the USA as their country.
Then Hurricane Florence is slamming my cousins n friends tonight in Wilmington. No drinking water, flooding, n no power for days will likely be challenges to face in Cape Fear River land. At least we won't get much effect here.
I can't even watch the news on the storm now because a chain-reaction 60+ gas-line fires n explosions are rocking thru tons of homes in Laurence, about an hour away from here up rt 495. That live coverage has taken over all the channels since 5pm. What a scary scenario to think about!
For weeks I've been feeling fatigued n out of it, n slacked off of blogging. Seems most other buddies I know n love to read have taken a blog vaca too. So much has been stifling my creativity.
It's been difficult just getting these pics done. This post took weeks... but finally here it is! I got a bee on a sunflower pic! But it's kind of too backlit to see the bee... made nice altered art anyhow.