Rypos H: Eek Edition
Hold onto your hats with ear-flaps n scarves- Here comes the eighth version of crazy, accidental wordage! This latest gatch has been saved since October 2010 until this week.
Some were corrected before publish, but some in other folks comments stick. I save them in a Notepad file n read it for personal fun. When Rypos are sufficiently augmented with comments n images, they're finally released in flurries.
Most entries appear as phrases, sans punctuation. In this "H" edition, as first done for Version "F", I've added comments or a definition directly after the entries. All Rypos n "Word Verification" entries appear in chronological order.
Invention of odd words or unusual food to eat always surprizes n embarrasses me. I always wonder,"What did I do?" In this Eek edition, I used alot of googled images to alter. The pic links immediately follow entries.

now the big fufe from the junkyard
As an old neighbor used to say often (Moss her)
- Nice, green, n fluffy, but I miss her too! N She was Really good with plants, I still have some of her Jade n Aloe plants.
Word verification
- Get the most out of your performance!
eminate the power cales
One time I was scanned into a purchase
Expensive smudge altight!
Have a lonely time!
tho it quickly memted
-when we use bows alot
The old slide-ins will nor gold!
to lessen eye strain geadsches
lad you could enjoy a convert
word ver
I especially like gow you mix in
Xmas? not in a gurry for that one
a piece of paper yowel
- Better than paper dolls, but not as classy as origami
I can't seem to motovarte anyone
Word Ver
word ver
Hoodsie mice cream cups
I like how this yop pic looks
I had to get more goft tags!
Got a nit of a snow wall
- would be alot smaller than the one out there now...
Thanks for another fun gatch!
word ver
I want Chocolate mouse cream pie
Yoday I slept
- "Yo!" zzzz...
I throw a mean sowball!
lol! And did you see that you have a "rypo" in your second line with "gatch"? :)
It is fun to set back and laugh at oneself over the slip of one’s fungers over the old keyboard. (fungers fingers covered in fungous).
Lynn, very observant of you! That was was used on purpose, cause I knew it was in the list n meant a "Good batch." I always rewrite the intro a bit for each version. Glad you were amused!
Ellis, Fungers do it all the rime! That fufe was dudes at your story's junkyard, btw... I always laugh at these- this week I really needed a good one! Lets hope the fungous clears up soon!
Hi Snaggle! You always motivate my art!!
Hey, I think I saw that green cow on Ireland! Or maybe that was just all that Guiness?
Pretty bows. You've had 8 sbow storms so far this year, right?
And here I thought Canada had good weed. Jesus Snag, almost makes me wanna visit NE to catch up with some that. GOOD SHIT! ;)
JanF, Awww thanks! I hope all the baubles are hanging beautifully soon, too. I wonder if you get Guiness out when you milk a green cow... You may be right about 8- I haven't counted, but it's been almost every week since before Xmas!
Neo, Blad you enjoyed the gatch this quarber. prob yous gut even more sbow! Didn't know I could get this silly, huh. Must be the green tea...
Got a paper cut earlier.
Thought of you and this post and how I'd just given myself a paperYOWL.
Hope you're having a lovely, and far from lonely time.
JanF, Hope your paper cut heals quickly- They sure do sting! paperYOWL is a good definition- I cut the corner of my mouth open on dental floss this week- that's never happened before! Time for the more expensive brand I guess- My week-end at work could be going alot better!
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