Creative Minds Guess E

Definitions of recently admitted Rypos E.
What I think as I ask myself:
"What is a ... ?"
(btw- pic is the rear section of a horseshoe crab shell at fav beach)
Rypo Dictionary:
snop snowy glop
sperading spreading while you are parading
ghad like a jehad, but you must go to war wearing a g-string
belps a very abrupt belch
lobe like lobbing in bowling, but you slide into the icy street gutter
catty meow loudly while spraying it
MENO POLL The male version of menopause
rirred the loud sound of a cat being sat on
nutification a totally looney conversion
gownstairs wearing an evening gown on the stairs
rimes simplified, mis-spelled rhymes
mobitor The ability to be mob infiltrated
Dollbaward Doll "B" award (not the Doll "A" award-)
dogo-cam wireless web-cam mounted on Fido's head
cyhole losing yourself in the web for hours
Day Orff! behaving like a performing seal or sea lion all day
rinking going from one skating rink to the next all day long
bonate to tie leftover items into bows
scart a fashionably decorated with fabric shopping cart
humdred humming to rhymes is dreadful
peppies incredibly energetic critters high on caffeine
Brought to you by SnaggleTooth's Dictionary of Rypos
Creative Minds Guess A
Creative Minds Guess B
Creative Minds Guess C
Creative Minds Guess D
"MENO POLL" cracked me up. Can't see that one catching on! :D But you never know!
LLcoolJ, you should've seen me rolling on the floor when I first made the error- thanks for your input!
I think I've been losing myself in that cyhole lately. :)
The cyhole sounds only too familiar, and the scart sounds like a scary kitschy fad just waiting to catch middle America's attention. (Please, God, don't let it happen.)
God Lord! If men all went flouncing off to war in a g-string, there'd be so much luaghing both sides would end up the best of friends.
Lynn, Yep, the ole cyhole swallows me for hours!
Meredith, seems we're all very familiar with that bottomless pit- I can picture scart competions up n down the supermarket isles...
JanF, doesn't that give an amusing visual? Best of friends is always better than fiends!
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