Fasten your yeast-belts- Here comes the Fifth set of saved for fun, missed-keyed terms! This selection has been saved since January 2010.
Some were fixed before publication, or edited after if possible. I save to a simple text file n re-read it often for evaluation.
Entries appear as phrases, sans punctuation. (Comments of my thoughts may have been added like this).
Invention of new words never hurt me. I'm not afraid to wonder,
"What is that?"
there are very few lumps of snop left around now
I really like PainShop Pro (ouch! not really-)
Jannie is the best at sperading beer
I left my shoes on that rip, cause it was pretty cold in the wind chill
Precipitation belps them form better
I so lobe the ice deposit build-ups
Do you catty pepper spray?
someone wrote, "MENO POLL"
how rirred I've been
Thanks for your nutification!
A vagrant artwork shown-
Alot of blog pics depend on mobitor quality
Thankyou so much for the Sugar Dollbaward!
Someday I'll get a dogo-cam
Talon word ver: cyhole
(what I fall into for hours after work...)
Day Orff!
gownstairs neighbors
these rimes we do so much in a day
Jet's see,
we are all rinking it now!
not to go to waste, to bonate them.
would make a fun scart as well
Must’ve read a Cat in a Hat a few humdred times
How did you get those marshmellow pees to perch on the stick?
I love new peppies!
Stay Tuned for SnaggleTooth's next Dictionary of Rypos
Those are funny and I like the psychedelic artwork. :)
Nutification, I'll say!! :)
lol @ the dogo-cam! Mischief will be jealous!
Love the photo - reminds me of squid.
i pees on a stick too!!
i feels all normil now, thanks yoo
I'm glad you brought up the perching pees
I was a naughty girl and well, okay the pees were impalled
haha & lol BB pees on a stick
el prego testo? I wonder
I love the photo, very cool
Love the artwork Snaggle.
Have you been at the booze again? ;)
Lynn, Glad you had a good funny-strange-bone tickle. Thanks
JanF, That onr's a keeper! So many blog awards, such slippery fingers...
Talon, Bet it would be tough following Charlies Dogo-cam so spastic! Squid- hmmm
The effect is called "Curly-Q" n once used it on a Mischief pic- ha-ha!
BB, Lucky boys get to do that, but most have leashes... At least most folks understand what you key-
Paige, yes, that was in reference to the recent Peeps awards you handed out- A shame you wasted some grand puffy mellow chickies- Ouch! Could be what it is!
LLcoolJ, Thanks it's a "Curly-Q" effect- I pick how many rows. Before that I applied a color effect- an image closer to the actual will soon post with the definitions- I'm getting the simpliest things to look all wacked out!
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