Yellow n Orange
Pics were all taken on a recent walk around the village while picking-up the mail.
These beautiful, large Lillies peeked thru the chain link fence on my way uptown. I had a pink Lilly out on the deck last week, saved in a pot which never bloomed last year, but the pic wasn't great.

Most of the time my pics on ESR make it appear like a rural uncrowded olace, but that's only because I intentionally leave out the clutter of civilization around the subjects. This large planter of marigolds near the Post office is an example.
These Tiger Lillies I transplanted next to Maplebeard out front several years ago. The sunlight detailed them perfectly for the pic. I spied them as I was approaching home from the opposite direction.
I do take quite a few plant pics, but my cam doesn't like close-ups, n often blossoms definition n detail gets very washed out. These came out ok for such bright colors for a change. Then I changed them anyway...
Such a nice looking village and the flowers are lovely. I love tiger lilies.
Lynn, The July blossoms are out in force, despite the glaring heat this week. Those light yellow kind I've never seen before. The background tree is on a bluff hill next to the pier. That shown section of my village was actually used as a movie set last week. Thanks.
I am pretty sure your last picture is a naked King of Spades:)
Gran Annie, I think the bearded guy in the Jester hat is kinda cute, but thought there was a second surprized dude instead of the bare parts you see ... Hmmmm I wouldn't've noticed!
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