Back in the 1970's all the guys in my high school had long hair with the exception of very few clean-cut nerds.
Girls hair ran the gambit from "pixie"-cut to shoulder lengths with short-bangs, put in barretts, rubber-band pony tails, braids, n head-bands. Scrunchies or plastic hair-clips didn't exist. There were no curling irons, n blow-dryers had just entered the styling scene. Old-fashioned curlers were still the main waving tool when you didn't opt for a permanent at the "Beauty Parlor."
I'm fortunate to have naturally wavy/curly hair n spent a life-time avoiding salons, with the exception of getting made-up for a few stage productions. I just wore two, long braids, or a bandana, n rarely fussed over my hair.
One guy at school had the nick-name "Doo" because he always had perfect hair. The males seemed obessessed with their stylings, from wild afros ("Zap") to the dipped duck-tailed bangs on my big brothers. This was peer-styles, running wild in a limited-time-only fad.
When my girls were in high school, peer pressure dictated a particular unique hair-style fad for their gender. Hair was frizzed out, wide, n puffy toward the ends, with long bangs hair-sprayed together to one side, straight out forward, then curled up on the end. The girl with the bangs out n up furthest became the supreme "Alpha Female" of the class. Comically, their yearbook showed almost the whole school sporting the exact same look.
School has a way of molding style-clones...
Guess I was just good at not obsessing over it while distracted with all my creative hobbies.
My errand run today revealed another local hair style currently setting in. I was instantly reminded of my old school, n my girls school-hair fad.
At the supermarket a glance around me revealed three young cashiers were sporting the exact same, unmistakable hair look! The flat head-hair was in a loose, spiral bun. The part was on the right side. The thin veil of bangs was long, flat, straight down, n had a downward, toward the edge of the face, steep, slanted-line cut.
When the bagger looked down packing my goods, she could only see with one eye, the rest of her face covered with slanted bangs almost to the chin. Then when looking up, one swipe with the hand, n the bangs neatly curved, n stayed on the side of the face infront of her ear.
That style would drive me crazy, because the bangs keep falling back, straight down over most of the face every few minutes. Time for another glamour-hand hand move! N again, n again...
They stared at my style a bit, too. I wonder what they thought of my long, curly bang locks, n the very long banana-curl tail falling way down the front of my jacket, because they've never seen anyone else with the same look!
School Style-Clones strike again!
Isn't it great to be an individual! I would hate it if I looked over and *bam* three other girls had my hair. It would mean I was getting absorbed into the collective... we are not BORG!
My hair style is ... a total mystery .
that style at the store you were talking about is "emo" i bet their hair was a super dark brown of plack too.. perhaps they wore thick framed black glasses and dark pants or perhap golf pants... lol
I meant to type: dark brown OR BLACK.. oops
Most of the hair styles here are the 'flat iron' look or the standard 'old lady' blue hair-do. But have you noticed the shirt styles out now? Definitely a confused mixture of 70's, 80's & 90's. Just today, in the same department store I saw a peasant blouse, a button-up polyester blouse (big collar) & a cotton polo shirt all within 5 feet of each other. Talk about retro!
Xray, Apparently the kids in town are Borg! If we were all alike I wouldn't exist... Good for you!
Skye, mysterious woman, don't have one like theirs I hope!
MB, so there's a popular name for it- Emo... plack hair- good new descriptive concept!
Fleen, Ya, but not yours, right?!
What a shirt line-up! What no Tye-dye? (I still have one)
Funny description of the glamour-hand hand move. I see it all the time.
Tiv, Thanks for the visit, glad you liked the description. Writing this was a challenge to get reader's to "see" the Doo-
I never was one for fashion, that is why I have the ladies in my life through the ages that told me when I had to go shopping.
I figure if I find a copy of my yearbook around I will do society a favor and burn it if I am in it.
Actually the last few years of school my picture was "Not Pictured" in a little box.
Wow, Janus, you were camera shy? what a surprize! I actually went through all the photos in the yearbook room (my homeroom) n took out all my bad ones so they used the good ones! I was good friends with the photo-nerds.
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