Time to catch my breath! I forgot how good it feels to not have to go to that work building for a few days.
I'm not much of a slacker, tho- I got up n out in time to see some daylight. I put air in the leaky truck tire, n cleaned out the work gear. In the house I just washed the heater n floor of the kitchen so I can put down the clean scatter rugs to help keep the toes warm. I already wrote some other stuff. I'm waiting for the wet floor to dry now, three hours after waking up already, on this first day of what other people call vacation, but to me is actually just Catch-up Days.
The people I tried to call are out, but then I got a call unexpectedly from a loved one far away I'm rarely home to be able to chat with. It feels good to get to connect with some one rather than spend the whole day without famliar human contact again.
Getting only one day off at a time doesn't work out well for me, because I never recover enough from the exhaustion to get to calls when folks are awake. Most days off are hectic chasing business closing dealines, then being awake overnight. This week I'll try to get to sleep before dawn n wake up earlier, so I can get truck work n registry errands done, n be awake for ThanksDay.
Which reminds me, Leonid Meteor showers begin pre-dawn today for you North/NorthEast Star gazers. I'm still trying to find that newly bright n visible to the naked eye Comet reported to be spotted in the Persius constellation. I look at the stars after work every night, but not this week- I get to not be in a hurry as I look...
The weather is saying, "winter" finally, in the 30F to 40F range today, n dropping in the teens overnight. I have more plastic n insulation to hang up. The long-johns n flannel shirts are already on. No one can afford to crank the heat anymore with these prices. Glad I thought of the hot-water-filled- bottles a few years back, so I've got staying warm down to a science-
So between tons of put-offs to do, I'll be relaxing (writing is relaxing, right?) a bit. I'm sure I won't have enough time to get to it all, but it beats the No-Time I've been running on for the past two years- since the last time I had almost a whole free week. Whew!
Even though, I know it isn't so, I could be that loved one, maybe yes, maybe no.
either way, still love you!
I know how you feel. My days off are so packed with stuff I can't do that I have no time to decompress. I guess that's my excuse for wasting time on the internet before work...
Fleen, it was my Big Sis I mentioned, but I woulda added ya on if this was written later- Lvu2
Xray, Internet's my fav waste-time, er I mean unwind, stay connected to the world time! I'm so different without the net now!
I'd like to loaf, but there's too many need stuff deadlines, darn-
Snaggle Tooth, you have a fun blog. As soon as I catch up on my sleep, I'm going to catch up on my blogging, so I'll be back... :-)
With that photo it's tempting just to sit and admire the view a little longer.
Josie, Thanks! I've been trying to catch-up on sleep forever here, so Good Luck! you're welcome back anytime-
McEw, Glad you enjoyed it. That's one of the many spots very close to my home I've shared here. I haven't gotten tired of this shot yet, either! In real time the Sun went down fast, tho- Thanks!
I would say I have no time, but I tend to waste it on the net. (Though your blog isn't a waste, just to let you know.)
Another warm tip...big hot bath.
Janus, oh, baths are what free time is for...!
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