
Can you hear the water going "Lap, lap, lap, ...?"
This scene of the front beach by the short pier is so restful, n I'm so tired! I could fall asleep just looking at it...
I could use some sleep, like now- After my second week doing OT hours here, I'm still wound up as dawn is breaking. I've only been home about an hour. I'm just finishing some pasta eats with tea n getting ready to wash up before crashing out.
No where near Day Off yet. Two more wild, long nights to go... I'm sore, hope I make it. Fell in a puddle on cement, hitting the previously injured knee one more time to remind me to slow down a bit. I've got a list of bruises this week not to be envied, as the tireder I getz the clumsier I getz... All due to trying to do the work of two people with these large orders.
The good news is the schedule I just got for next week has two new victims, I mean new people, penciled in for the week-end on my line. Hopefully at least one of them lasts the first week! Then I'll get to rest my arms a little more, n go home on time.
I think at this point I'd rather have the rest than the couple of bux... (You know you're over-worked when...)!
next tie you head to the beach and the weather isn't going to be all nasty humid and stuff, bring your blankie and a pillow.. might as well take a snooze.. i'd head to little harbor though.. the waves are better there! and then when you wake up you can jump in the water! weee!
hopefully work will slow down a bit with the new victims and the joint.. we can all hope right?
yes that's a good idea MB has, a little snooze on the beach is very refreshing.
I found that sometimes no amount of money is worth my physical, mental, and emotional health. I think I would rather be homeless than dead.
MB, Because of pics for ESR Bloggy I go to the beaches way more than I used to- Don't wanna pay for the sticker yet, now LH will need it- It's all I can do to wake up by 4p this week- It keeps intermitently raining! Thunder n lightning today, pretty wild.
I'm hoping it gets a little better, even if it doesn't last.
Skye, wish I had that kind of time during decent weather. I can't believe down-pours are foecast for Day Off again! Ugh!
Xray, There's definately different levels of survival, n I tend to continuously amaze myself with what I'm capable of doing that so many others quickly walk away from. I pride myself on not being a quiter, n being a survivor.
Pushing yourself can be good in unexpected ways. I have very good co-ordination, strength, n stamina now. I really need more sleep tho!
Snag - I feel ya. I'm a bit banged up and worn. I cheated and put the A/C on so my body isn't use to it yet so my back is killin!
Good lucks training the rookies.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Neo, I've been doing AC in the truck, makes the muscles stiff- work is like an oven (literally, we have many).
Turns out trainees 1&2 are married, n Senor couldn't put the right amount on the screens all day! Difficult to count how many you need to make that way...
After learning Portuguese I need to re-touch-up on Espanol now-
I need that good luck! Thanks!
Love dem days off I tell ya!
I love my job too, but nothing beats not having to worry about it for a while.
Janus, Let's face it, Day Off is the best part of any job! (Even when it's pouring) Work folks always seem so happy I came back, too...
I'm ripe for a Vaca anytime now-
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