Warning to Self: This blog may be an ad for everyone to crowd in n bug me to death!
Note to Visitors: This pic n many others were taken at a Residents Only beach...
Too late, the warm weather crowds have begun to congeal already, n the kids aren't even all out of classes yet- Yay, the weather was good today! The first blue sky I've seen with these eyes in about a week. Of course I may've slept thru a few good mornings...
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I knew I'd be better off if I moved to New Hampshire... But I don't want to live there... this town is my home.
Beginning July 1, 2007, in our state it will be required for everyone to have proof of medical insurance enrollment or else lose the State Tax "Personal Exemption" over $3300 (possibly $3600 for '07 form).
For me, and many others, this will mean another expense I just can't afford. I have an appointment to check-out the "Commonwealth Care" program instead of sleeping tomorrow. I'm inelligible for a work offered plan until November.
If I don't sign-up for a healthcare plan, I'll end up owing alot of money to the state tax collector. If I run-up an emergency hospital bill without insurance, it's possible I may be held criminally responsible by the state, as a federal crime in court. I wonder why this legal issue hasn't yet been addressed.
With my many allergies, I get severe reactions requiring epinepherine once in awhile. In the past few years I've been very vigilant in allergen avoidance n been lucky not to have needed the ER.
I'm not sure how I'll ever afford a plan, n then to pay for office visits or for a deductable on-top of it. I don't have ten spare bux this month, never mind the $400 to $1200 healthcare plan premium cost the plans are running.
There's got to be plenty of working people here in MA besides me in the same position.
The idea of the required sign-up is to lower the overall cost of healthcare because with everyone paying into the system, there should be enough money to keep up with the cost.
I wonder if this will become a model for the rest of our country, or cause more problems than it solves...?
This is the dumbest law I have ever heard of. How are people who cannot afford health insurance supposed to pay the taxes for not having any.
OOOOOO-- this makes me so mad like Yosemite Sam OOOOOOOOO
The state should be coming up with ways for the RICH to pay taxes, not the POOR!
Snag - You have got to be kidding me? Where do these people get off? What is happening to America?
Neo shakes his head
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
I want...no ...i need to go to a beach. Swimming and water and ahhhhhh. Oh how I miss it!
Xray, I heard it'd cost about $50 in state taxes for each month not enrolled, the penalty increases for '08! They do have the MassHealth (welfare version) for folks under 10k/yr, but it's the working poor who're getting screwed out of rent n food here. There is a discounted rate, but not having that is drawing blood from a stone...
Neo, no joke- wonder why I'm so stressed out this month... I'm already short coming up with next month's rent, now I have this bill by the 20th or owe the taxes for the month!
American choices are being axed out of existence!
K, you just snuck in while I was keying that! Here's the dilema- I get great beach shots to post all the time, but the tourists make so much noise when I'm trying to sleep, so if you visit, just be quiet between 8a n noon, OK?
Now I can understand the car insurance thing because if you ram someones car, that hurts them.
But to penalize people for having crappy health care coverage is just plain er F.U.B.A.R.ed
Praying for ya Snag, I know the bills are rough enough without the government trying to "help"
Snag - We still have choices? LOL, man you really must need some sleep. *smirk*
Janus, that's a "Tango & Cash" inside acronym I recognize! FUBAR it is! Beside premiums I still have to come up with Co-pays. Also I have to change doctors again!
Thanks, I can use all the prayers I can get!
Neo, I haven't had enough sleep to feel rested since 2005 (watch out- my mistakes get a tad bad after awhile).
The choices are : pay or pay!
i'd like to add that this stupid reform was put in place by good ol' gov mitt romney. we had a good editorial in the paper today about the very same thing.. how it screws those who already have to fight to pay the bills.
it makes me happy that mitt is doing poorly in the presidential race, b/c honestly he did a "heck of a job" running this state... and i can't ever see him running a country!
okay, I have a question, what about the people who are on medicaid or welfare? They still get the deduction, even though they are not actually paying for health insurance?
either way, beautiful pic!
Ain't it Great! We actually hit 70 today! Yeah, coffee on the deck this morning! :)
MB, Thanks for clarifying that the responsible party is a millionaire who's running for Prez on the R ticket- who deserves to lose!
Fleen, Those on "MassHealth" (Welfare healthcare) don't pay any taxes, and pay very small co-pays (separate program), but they would be signed up-. Note: only people earning under $10k/yr qualify for that program.
Glad you like my pic, thanks!
Skye, lucky! We were back to 50's, overcast, n windy again! Enjoy the deck weather- I still haven't had a sunny day to spend on the deck...
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