Buckle Down

Tropical Storm Barry hasn't quite quit peacefully yet. You guessed it, now he's heading to New England just in time for my Day Off! Well, at least I won't have to water the out-door plantlings. I just hope they don't blow around too much. I'm still missing a few wandering flower pots from that last NorEaster...
The pestilence of flea nation has rapidly descended upon my cats since Mem Day week-end. Probably something to do with the landlord's visiting pets that week. The kitties have never had the bugs this bad, n they're going crazy, n driving me crazy! It's distressing that I did spend 40 bux on Frontline drops which were applied just two weeks ago, so no other treatment is supposed to be used for 30 days. There's no way we're going to make it through another two weeks of unstopped flea-expoentiation in here.
I went out n got flea collars hoping to slow them down a bit. Of course the cats went nuts, having never worn a collar before in seven years, but I figured it beats trying to give the Tazmanian-Devil with claws a bath...
...So Turtle the nervous-wreck, tortoise-shell model, first jammed herself into under-the-stove-space n meowed for two days before I could get her out to eat some food n water. Then she jammed her fat-fluffy self under stuff in the backroom for another day of remote complaining in self-imposed solitary-confinement!
I coaxed her out a few inches for food again to discover she's managed to lose the collar somewhere, so her fleas are still running amok, n I have no way to get another collar on her in her current state of craziness. I just hope she doesn't get really ill from not having enough water. She's deathly afraid of the vets after almost dying as a kitten once. She throws bad Tizzy-fits! (look-out)!
At least Mischief is just loudly begging every minute for brushing again, n has resigned to the collar wearing.
So, lots of rain, quality indoor time, with Cats killing every peaceful minute you were looking forward too, wanting to help more, n being unable too! (Is this hell?)
Last weekend: What WAS I thinking?! Why did I mention my Photo Essay blog (on the top of the sidebar links) to the people downstairs...? Because of the other neighbor's difficult to ignore burnt-out house-shell, that's why. Even tho I showed them the hard-copy prints, I stupidly had to mention the pics online.... Faux Pas!
What would I do without this place to freely complain in? What would be the point? (Close call)!
Luckily I wasn't specific about the name or url, tho if they knew what they were doing (Fat chance) they could find me. There are already a few neighbors who've seen the online pics who I don't need to worry about mentioning in my rants... (Note to self: Watch the mouth, especially when they deny you sleep... because I'm just not alert enough! Remember who you're speaking too... )
Hmm... Now how to write anything with decent quality under conditions of loud meowing... Well, I somehow made it through this post, at least!
Ironically, it looks like that yellow handle would snap off in the storm!
I feel SOOOO bad for your kitties! I will pray for relief from the infestation!
Xray, that tie-down carbuckle on the pier is definately in unsecure condition. luckily most of the large vessels which tie-down on that side are +36 feet, n use three lines on three carbuckles.
Thanks for prayers!
if you get a chane.. vacuum.. i remember wheni was in high school, i vaccumed everyday sometimes twice to suck up those stinking fleas.. and we didn't even have a good vaccum then.. just that little upright thing. i know that helped ALOT!
Poor Cats...poor cat owner.
Yeah I try to avoid letting people know who I am online for the most part that way I can complain about people and no one can pin it down.
I feel more free being anonymous
Snag - We got some of Barry here om philly, he left a nice bolt of lightning that fried 3 terminal servers at my job. Fun fun fun.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
MB, I really don't have time for a daily vac round, but it is a good idea to try to get to it more- I did spray the rugs with de-natured alchohol
Janus, The cats thankyou! Reouw! Anonymity certainly makes it easier to write anything. Just not smart to give it away to folks you've written the most complaints about! Whew!
Neo, Time to invest in more surge protectors there ... sounds like a job horror episode-
I hope you got it all back together enough to operate some of the business for them- depressing!
There were severe cells from Barry reported all over the place but my home area today.
Hope you n your home equiptment faired better!
Barry really got us here! Thank God, cause we really needed the rain!!
Fleen, As long as it was rain n not much damage- Guess it's been drought for the South all year- hope those fires were doused finally!
There were funnel-clouds reported in NY & CT, n hail in many locations.
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