
A few craft sit on moorings in the cove, waiting for another ride before winter takes over.
Apparently my answering machine greeting has become barely audible. That's what I get for trying to put on a new message... oh well! Maybe the bill collectors n telemarketers will get confused n stop calling... I am still getting the messages tho- So I guess it still serves it's main function... It's just aggrivating all the callers! - Sorry about that... (Maybe I'll get one for my B-day as BBM suggested). If not, it'll be awhile, because there's no budget bux for extras for awhile yet. C'est la vie!
Answering machines aggrevate me to no end! I have voicemail through the phone company because I just couldnt take the machines anymore! Viva la revolution!
I finally figured out that 99% of the calls I get at the home number were from marketers and the such. For $90.00 a month, I figured it wasn't worth it, and cancelled the home phone altogether. I use my cell as my number, and only get calls from people who actually know me. This way, there is no annoying machine or voice mail to work with.... besides, I get enough annoyances through the business phone. You would not believe how many marketers call on that line.
OilF, Ya, they can get pretty aggrivating. I'm too cheap to pay for voicemail tho! I like having the light blink to cue me to new messages when I get home instead of having to call for them...
Ellen, 90 per month is a steep price! Mine only runs 10 bux without LD calls which I do on card minutes or the cell phone. I've had my # for over 25 years, some people would never contact me again without it! I do get lots of family calls that way.
Also, it costs .30 to call for cell voice-messages from the cell, but it's free from the home line-
when is the birthday ?
Hi David, It's sometime before the end of this month...
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