More WaterViews

A view of the sunset directly opposite of the wind-turbine in the previous post is shown here.
This place is located right next to a restaurant where I fondly remember having dinner with my mother n her fav sister for the last time in the late '90's. They both passed on within months of each other six years ago. My Aunt n cousin (my age) with Cerebral-Palsey visited from New York that year to see the ocean for the first time in their lives!
We also went to the boardwalk in Sandwich to see Cape Cod Bay, n to a Red Sox game at Fenway. We had such a great time.
I couldn't help but remember these times while standing in this spot, n now every time I see this photo again.

The bay near home was still loaded with boats at the end of September. Most of the craft are out of the water for winter now.
well the yuppies make me wonder as if they don't really *care* about their boats.. remember hurricane bob and all the boats that ended up inpeoples front yeards!
MB, they can afford to spend 20k on the craft, but can't be bothered to take off a day to get them off the moorings before a hurricane hits... hmmm-
Good insurance or bux to burn I guess!
Note: I'd love to have a boat... (better believe I'd take care of it)!
I had a friend come up with me to the Cape back in 97, and she couldn't believe that the boats were moored out in the water. Down here, they all have slips, and a boardwalk to get to them. Nothing sits out in the water at all. I had never really given it a thought, until the hurricanes started making regular appearances. Luckily this year was pretty quiet for us.
Lovely pictures.... oh how I miss the Cape!
Hope you are doing well.... and sorry I am making sporadic appearances on the blog. Job security is at an all time high lately.... whoopie for paying the bills on time!
Ellen, here the moorings are about a grand cheaper than the slips, n ya need special permits for each pier you want to install because of the limited available space n new, stricter environmental laws.
We've been very lucky with storms so far this year (knock on wood, one month to go-). There's still a few left out there-
Last year we got a hurricane nearby up this way, one of the boat-slip piers right in the cove here broke off n was beached near the ramp for months...
No need to apologize- you DID comment! Thankyou!
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