The one n the three...on a Friday- Lucky or not?
Lucky for me, I got the day off, due to working my 40 hours in just three days! Now I'm just so tired n numbed-out I'm not gettin much done with the free time...

Taken from one of the pathways in the woods last week, you can see some of my upstairs apartment n deck which looks isolated in the jungle from there... (I wish it was).
I finally saw a Sea Loon swimming in B-cove last week for the first time since a huge Buzzards Bay oil-spill years ago, which killed most of them. I love their calls, which always remind me of Gramps at the Lake in Maine. They were his Fav critter there. I tried to snap a pic, but the Looney-bird kept diving under water every time I hit the button...

Here's some of the smatterings of colorful vines n shrubs from the pond down the Avenue, near the Depot. These were taken today.

Common, black Sea-Commerants (sea-fowl) were lined-up wing to wing on the three parallel powerlines over the pond, visable from the road, but down on foot the vegetation was too thick to get a pic of them for you.
So luckily, some pics came out to show you, n I had time today to blog...
I tried very hard not to remember the date... as people like me are prone to more accidents than the usual amount we get. And it has been an "accident filled" week already.
Lovely pictures, and the color is illuminating. We have a few trees that have turned, but they are not as brilliant as yours. I'm still waiting for all the trees to dump their leaves on the ground, and hubby says to leave the sweeping alone for awhile, as we have millions to go still. It will be sad to see them stripped bare, but that still isn't for a few more weeks. In the meantime, I am enjoying the mums come to peak.
Glad to see you had a day off (especially the 13th), and had a chance to take a few pics. It makes me really miss my NE roots to see the foliage.
Have a great weekend!
Ellen, it's funny how people like to attribute misfortune to the calender day instead of their own nervousness about the number. I hate going out on "those bad number days" myself, but I did manage to get out n do some errands all without incident.
I remember when my mother once got us all plane tix on the 1 n 3- and it panicked me until after everything went Ok-
The calender is a man-made, super-imposed Gregorian thing, after all-
The wild Holly, "Flaming bushes," n Bittersweet are the big color contributors this week- still waiting on most of the trees.
We had a frost last night, only a few blossoms are alive out there (after being covered)- I picked the Last Lavender Lady n brought it in yesterday.
I plan on more pics to post besides the rest of what just got developed.
I'm working all week-end- You have a good one too!
Man...can I come and visit you? Those pics are beautiful! :P I heard ya about working crazy hours...but such is life! Glad you got the day off :)
oilF, Many people visit here, (Come on down!) but few stick around through the cold- We do have some MN nearby you'd enjoy.
Snag - Man a few more weeks and those trees will really be changing seasons. I bet is super pretty when it does.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Neo, I'm still waitin to see what happens. There's really not as many leaves as usual because of those caterpillars. Also the Maple out front isin't as colorful as it's been- going brown fast!
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