Ta Boo!
The month of creative Halloweennie folklore has begun. A neighbor up the street already has the life-sized Frankenstien n Dracula decs out on the front lawn... Some folkz are just over-achievers!

The point of posting a blog can have as many reasons as bloggers.
Opinions vary around the spectrum, n everybody has one. The blog is yours, for you, writer's choice rules. The choice to read or not, to lurk or not, to comment or not, to answer commentz or not. You can choose one-way dictation or interactive conversation. Each person is entitled to their voice in the USA n in the blog-dom too.
I remember a very large family from my old-home years who had a strict rule. No discussions involving politics or religion at dinners or holiday gatherings. I used to wonder what these folkz ever found to discuss (besides those subjects) of any interest... even after eating over there a few times (It was boring). The aim of that rule was to help avoid loud, passionate, angry arguements of believers who wouldn't back-down or compromise their strong personal opinions. Stifling yourself not to voice your take on subjects which may offend n cause discord among the participants was a challenge.
Some subjects were in the grey, argue-able zone, such as ghostly or Halloween happenings (Is that in the "religion" category?).
Saturday a co-worker described something strange that happened on her way home from the previous shift, (still that day), after 3 am. Driving on the divided highway alone with no other cars anywhere in sight, a ball of light raced over-head next to her car, passed her, then suddenly exploded into little bits n disappeared.
I remarked it reminded me of the Spielberg film, "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." I also suggested it could be a meteor, ball-lightening, or a reflection. She insisted there were no other lights of any kind, just pitch-darkness. I believe her.
I finally said it could've been a ghost-light. A spirit who passed away right there that time at that place in the road where the light dissappears.
I remember back when I drove to my University's Annex in Weld Square everyday along that same stretch of road during the time they pulled nine murdered women's bodys off the woods along that same section of highway where she'd observed that orb. On three occassions I'd passed the coroner's wagon on the road-side. I also observed the K-9 body-searching progress along the road everyday for the weeks it took to find those corpses.
The woman relaying the story said she'd heard there's been a few recent sightings in that area lately. I should check out the local newspaper archives. Meanwhile, I think they didn't find all the serial victim's there yet... (The search ended 13 years ago).
I think she was brave to tell her story.
Her hubby, who also works where we do, doesn't believe her.
In the highly subjective, opinionated blog-scape, no subject is safe from Blog-Politics. Some blogs are sought out just for the controversial subjects. I used to read Driftglass n JurassicPork's passionate political bashings daily until my palette for the carnage was satiated. Most of the commentors tend to bash left, right, liberal, Dem, or Republican party ID- n result in strongly arguementitive subjective statements.
The point, the bloggers write, is to get stagnant people to think, to realize, to wake-up n smell the coffee...
Even when everything's out on the table, it's tough to get anyone to change an opinion on a subject once formed. No one wants to believe the politician they voted in is getting busted for pedophile behavior, that the priest who gave your fav sermons was excommunicated for child-molestation, or even that your fav TV personality shows up on-air with dirty hands and mouth. Do you stop voting, quit the congregation, or not watch the show?
The truth can be ugly. After feeling safe with media illusions, no one really wants to know it...
What is real, what is just for show- corpses, ghosts, n villans?
Welcome to October!
It was overcast, cool and it even managed to rain just a drop or two. The season's change is coming, one of my favorite times of year.
Mike, you would've done alright at those dinners! ("N I noticed the price of organic bananas went up another twenty cents last week.") I like the quiet fall, myself-
I love this time of year as well, and am only too grateful that the weather is nice. Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays.... nothing like seeing the kids race around the neighborhood in stalk of the goods, all dressed up in unique costumes. I also get a kick out of the over-achievers who decorate to the hilt. For some reason dressing up the yard doesn't look too tacky when it's done on Halloween.... compared to Christmas.
The light orb that flew past your friends car was a spooky touch to your post. I love it! It reminds me so much of the house I used to babysit in NH that was haunted.
Package going out in the mail to you tomorrow.... long explanation why it too forever is in the envelope inside. Happy tea time!
BTW- I noticed JP took his blog down, so I removed the link, if I find his newby I'll fix it.
Ellen, I enjoy the month's creative spirit most. It's a great occasion for originality.
I know a person with the orbs in all his photos...
Many thanks in advance for the kindness of your caring snail-mail.
Snag - I believe that people do leave that inprint of their soul when they die. It's not uncommon. Those who choose not to believe it, well, eventually they'll see differently.
I've seen orbs before, and it was pretty spooky!
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Neo, I remember reading about a burial-ground orbs experience you wrote back when JBI first began. Many people don't believe stuff like that until it happens to them. I believe violent death leaves more noticeable impressions...
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