So Busy

I'm currently having Blogger Edit mode difficulties, n am now in html mode trying to get a post in to see if it works. Regular edit mode has no edit text window!
This week is super busy at work for me. I'm already very sore from all the constant, bigger summer orders. I'll only have one Day Off to get so much done, then face massive impending order numbers for a new promotion. Not only do I have to give up a needed Day Off, It will be a day of no sleep to begin 6 hours early n then go until regular delivery time in the early am. Then work another busy week-end... What a way to start off the busy summer.
The new impending ObamaCare laws have resulted in zero, normal, new summer help hiring- compared to the ten to twenty of previous tourist seasons. I'm not sure where I'll get the energy for all the extra work I'll have to do. All week I've fallen asleep before getting to blog read at all, just exhausted! Now I'll have to wait until next week's Days Off to get a full day of sleep, if the summer folks noise by then lets me...

Pics are from the Last Day of May sunset. I just want nice stuff to see, while I'll be too busy to get around Blogland much the next few weeks. Now, let's see if I can get this post up.
Woops- don't know why the link underline above, no html tags there for it to remove!?! Hope the glitches here go away soon! Whew- Is it fixed? Yay! Don't know what that was...
So no hire because the employer thinks the health care supplement will be too expensive for him/her? Not sure I understand. Be careful of your health, eat well, drink fluids, try to stretch and change positions often if your job requires lots of sitting and of course I hope you get some good sleep.
Rest is the most important thing, Snaggle. Get as much as you are able and I hope you get some peace and quiet to make the most of every minute. Sorry about the Blogger issues. So annoying!
One dilemma, two dilemma, three dilemma, four:)
Tabor, The new Law only allows so many FT employees before requiring paying $9k for each person. All PT must stay under 30 hrs or be considered FT under the new regs. Then there is a company size based on total number of employees (ie: must stay under 50) Or a pile of regs will apply that didn't before.
Companies that aren't staying ontop of this new stuff may soon find themselves going under!
My job is standing, moving, doing physical labor. I'm on my feet the entire time. There are no chairs.
I'll try to stay hydrated- good advice, thanks for reminding me to be extra careful-
Talon, Blogger has wasted so much time for me this week! I would've been there so much sooner- Been trying to upload those pics for days! Rest is definitely what I need most. Thanks
Gran Annie, dilemnas galore, but the pics score! Throbbing feet too...
Glad to see these pix uploaded. Pretty skies.
Promotions, eh? I hope your company realizes what am amazing person they have in you. What kind of shoes do you wear, on your feet all shift like that?
That sunset is GORGEOUS!!!
In my opinion, in terms of company employee care/well being, this company fairs much worse than the crap Wal-mart empolyees have to deal with.
this "hiring freeze" is their way of saying "we don't care about you" but unfortunately there isn't a whole lot of year round work available for locals nearby to her area :/ it just sucks
I hope the pay differential is worth all the hassle mom! How awful that they aren't hiring help!
I tried responding to comments last night, but my connection died n wouldn't re-do.
JanF, The edit thing was so messed up, there was no way to do it without the html editor- now it's working again- TG.
I'm due for a raise n still waiting. Walmart cheap shoes- don't want to ruin good ones. Glop n sugar to walk thru all day. Need new ones every 2 months - soles wear out. Just got another pair-
Lynn, I think so too- Glad you enjoyed it. thanks!
MB, Way worse treatment, but still a huge corporation getting away with it- There really aren't any job ops this summer. Only PT - can't replace FT We were all so fried working this long, early to way late day- was pathetic! TG it's over now-
Blogger is a pain in the butt, I have so many issues now that I normally mange to work around, but there are some I can't and blogger will do nothing to help. I still can't unfollow any blogs and when I post I'm having a problem on their help board they just ignore it.
You work so hard, I worry that you'll fall sleep when you are driving home, so be careful!
Nothing like unwanted overtime to completely burn you out.
Gotta love the unintended consequences of ObamaCare.
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Your sunset pictures are so lovely. I really appreciate you posting them. It sounds like you need some help at work. My gosh is it one of those businsses that just keep piling the work on you until you collapse? I hope you can at least get some sleep. Take care.
Snaggle, hope you found pockets of R&R this week/weekend!
LLcoolJ, Seems blogger waits to trap me when I have no time to deal with the issues, n bizarre stuff keeps happening- so frustrating lately! I do hate the no one will help you feature... Luckily, I'm very vigilant on the road- Thanks.
G, Not alot of OT because they force us to leave earlier the other nights- we're all PO'd about the missed sleep n feeling unrewarded. Never mind the tendonitis- ObamaCare is getting us nothing but nervous.
Mountain Mama, Thanks. I'd like to find better work nearby, but with my allergies the options are limited. After 3 big order days in a row, now I can finally rest 6 hours. Thanks
Talon, I finished reading another book after work today, n always like that feeling. There have been a few minutes here n there, thanks
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