At the time I didn't pause for long to contemplate this scene. It's easier to appreciate the serentiy of the forms, textures, n colors from the warmth of the house tho! The frozen pier is a very uncrowded spot lately. Only a few folks were parked there who didn't get out of the vehicles.
I braved the cold blast out there the other day, but aren't foolish enough to see if I can slip over the side on that ice. Today it's another 10 degrees colder, n this spot is a nevermind...
Think I'll just hang around home this Day Off, n try not to freeze solid-
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Here's a ditty made up on the spot in a
Jannie Comment as an answer to a request of a Ukulele tune. I can hear it in my head as I read, but don't have one to play it on...
A you a n a me, uku a le le
Just a silly song to play me
Tiny Tim tickled you
Don Ho bubbles crazy
Mary Ann a all Day
Nights in Georgia down
Kiss me quick plucky
Throw out all the money
Only wanna time a
play n sleep n cry a
Strum finely sound tin
Send tears a back in
A you a n a me, uku a le le
Just a silly song to play me
Tiny Tim tickled you
Don Ho bubbles crazy
(Of course ya hafta play it on the ukulele)
That's a beautiful shot! I remember living in the Truckee area, near Lake Tahoe, and how beautiful everything was when the tourists were gone. Of course, they tend to go tghere when it's cold...
Hi Mike, I really like my quiet winters. The beauty is always here, it's just easier to treasure it on a personal level without the crowd-
I remember seeing some of your shots of frozen lake, way back on old Overflow.
Overflow is still around, and I still post pics to it. It's the same URL, but I renamed the blog FOTOMike. It's in my links.
I love the photo - very serene and peaceful.
So...you're the competition in Jannie's contest!! Great little piece you've written! (thinking to himself...this isn't going to be easy...so many great choices...)
Love that shot...the way the sun is pushing through the clouds...lovely.
The lines:
"Tiny Tim tickled you
Don Ho bubbles crazy.."
are great and I can hear your song in my head...
Mike, Thanks. I really liked your old fiction pieces too! I don't think they ever delete old blogs... I have a few orphans out there somewhere (not listed).
Lance, Thanks, I always try to use my own shots here.
I've written about 100 tunes in my life already, n had alot of practice at it. That little ditty only took 5 minutes to jel. I'd still like to add a bridge, n instrumental interlude. I don't care if I win- it was fun to do!
Glad I'm not Jannie making the descision!
Talon, Thanks- I like the way the light peeks under the bottom wood tie to light up the ice. Partaily cloudy are the best sunsets to shoot.
I remember Tiny Tim on "Laugh In" playing the uke. Don Ho is a reference to Hawaii, remembered from "The Brady Bunch".
Hey, I know that Jannie gal!
And it looks like you have a ready-made tune for yourself there, Snag! Run with it.
I actually might buy a uke if 'n I can get it dirt cheap.
Happy 444. Wonder what you'll post about on you 666 th one? Me, I'm like at 74, maybe.
Your pictures are always so amazing. :)
JanF, I thought you already had one! A guy who helped me learn fingerpicking as a teen had one, n loved silly tunes. That's also where I learned a dubble-strum for "Mary Ann," on a Uke, n a tune called "Sweet n Dandy" also. It's easy enough to play.
But I only have guitars, mandolins, a banjolin, banjos, violins, odd drums, harmonicas, marracas, tamborines, n some things I don't have names for-. The piano is in storage.
Blogger only goes up to 999 posts before you have to start a new one. Remember I've been working here on ESR since '05!
Zoey, Thankyou. They've been a good excuse to venture forth n keep trying. (But I'm freezin the butt off)!
That's not fair having to start again at 999.
I think.
JanF, That's ok, cause we can have a ton of blogger blogs. I'll just put up the last post as an epilogue n a link to ESR II. I won't delete it like some folks do-
What do we expect for free?
Ona these days they'll require ads-
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