Hippy New Z

Yes folks, we've again been hit with deep, icy crystals. Long Johns n scarves are now wardrobe requirements, do not get caught outside without them!
I had to shovel n grit my teeth to get to work on the Rockin' Eve, n missed the whole party... (but got to work in one piece, at least)
I heard on the news they even cancelled the Beantown Midnight fireworks due to the gusty winds. The cold alone usually doesn't slow the city folks down a bit-
TG I got the Day off- even tho it's freezin'...
I haven't made any resolutions. It's the anniversary in 2003 of the date I quit smoking. I'm happy not to be controlled by nicotine, n plan to stay a non-smoker for the rest of my life. Before that, I'd quit coffee, which I think was more difficult. Since then, I quit soda drinking. Now I only drink tea, herbal tea, purified water (boiled), n 100% fruit juice without any added high fructose corn syrup.
Last year I'd hoped to not work holidays again, but that was tossed out in favor of survival this season. Holidays are difficult for me, because I get too sentimental for those I miss. If I can't be with my family I'd rather be home alone than at work, where well-meaning people prod me about my sad mood the whole shift. It doesn't help, just aggrivates me, n I get more depressed.
I'd love to ditch my night job altogether, n just hang out doing art projects all day. Until funds allow it tho- it's not a practical choice. It's hard explaining it to folks who are actually happy to be there working (I'm not).

Christmas card updates are still being worked on. It's slow because I write actual letters in the cards. I'll be happy if they get done by the end of the month. My illness did me in on timing for that project.
It'd make me happy to successfully finish the half-done paintings waiting on my easle. Sometimes I have to start all over again to get a good one.
A photo project for some one has been procrastinated to death also, which I'd like to have the money n time to wrap up on this year.
So there you have it, stuff I'd like to get done, not resolutions.
Today tho, New Year's Day, which is after dark n into night already, I will attempt to relax. I'm still a bit chest-congested n feel sluggish, so not yet healed enough to feel good. But I am maintaining myself, n that is enough for me today. The turkey leg bones will make some soup to go with bread.
I'll get off the feet, read, watch a movie, try not to get into any major projects until my next Day Off. It's difficult for me to let myself off the hook of "what I should do today." I think it's more important to try to kick this bug out, tho. Quality work is tough to produce in the mood I've been sporting lately. Physically n emotionally, I've been under the weather, which makes me less than Sub-Z !
Here's to a better Day, n a much better 2009!
Snow?? Talk about sweatin my 'arse' off...breakin records for the warmest days...then having to turn the AC on... oops...sorry...didn't mean to rub it in, but I did move to FL for a reason!
Fleen, Happy New Year 2 U 2 !
4 am after work right now, n it's snowing again- just flurries tho-
I shoulda made soup. Instead I ate 3/4 baguette with 3 TABLESPOONS butter, such great inventions.
Congrats on kicking the cigs, never had that problem myself but I know it's a real bitch to kick. Coffee - I'm afraid I may never give up my daily cup, sometimes 3 a day.
Do you think you'll ever get on the day shift? Do you want to? Hope to? have a requistion in for?
What's on your easel? I mean what kind of picture is it?
Well, off to munch a bunch more cals now!
JanF, I was on a day shift 8-5 M-F for 5 years at another company, n always wanted to be outside instead. I don't want any shift. I only want to do my own work!
Watercolor background on the easle, not allowing one mis-placed stroke on the foreground which will become another unicorn, of course! So curious U R
Note: The top pic is actually the sun rising on the east side of my house outside the kitchen window covered with ice crystals. That's a Christmas Cactus blossom backlit next to the sun-catcher. If the crystals weren't blocking the view, you could see the boat-ramp beach there...
The second pic is the front corner of my yard.
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