I wonder how the "L Street Brownies" (Boston), n the "Polar Club" (same thing around here), actually get themselves to jump in the ocean water, n raise their charity money...
I have enough trouble contemplating removal of one layer, let alone getting almost naked n swimming in icy water, then getting out in the colder air- yikes!
Not me, especially in today's sub-Z.
I'll have to go check out my fav beach for ice flows soon. It's supposed to warm up into the above frozen for the week-end tho, in time to go back to work, naturally. The ocean water isin't quite cold enough for ice formation yet. The windchills out there on the beach are bone-chillers, no matter the number of layers. It's definately a three-layer-day again-
I haven't had much Cam ambition lately. After the daylight gets longer again, I'm sure it'll be easier to wake up before sundown. Days are lengthening a bit, just very slowly. These Swans were begging for goodies well before the New Year at rear Main Street. It's illegal to feed them in our town, tho- N if I'd known they'd be there to greet me, I would've brought some bread for them.
I must have that disgusted look on lately, 'cause a young dude (about 25) at work tonight said, "Come on, the year is only 2 days old, give it a chance!"
A weird dream from last zzz's has me wondering today. I once wrote a song played on electric guitar with lyrics in a dream of being on stage, and remembered it upon wakening. I dreamt of playing that song again, in front of a famous musician. What does that mean? (I think I just miss my guitar again)!
I bet if that kid at work knew anything about what life has dealt you, he'd understand. I miss you and your guitar too!
Everyday is a new day, a new chance. There is nothing stopping you from continuing towards your dreams. I believe in you.
MB, Thanks for your empathy! My poor elec-acoustic guitar is covered with dust! A day to clean n two weeks of allergic reaction away... right next to the dusty mando n banjo...
Xray, Thankyou for your encouragement! I can be pretty tough to brighten up lately.
Btw, the opening lyric to that tune is "Crazy World getting me down, ... "
Although I do not expect sympathy from you, it has been FREEZING here the last 2 days, ever since D & J got to FL. They brought the cold with them, which will remain until they leave...literally! (They go home Saturday afternoon, and on Sunday it is supposed to get up to the mid 70's again, thank goodness!)
I think your dream sounded cool & right on!
Luv you!
A 3-layer day seems to be my normal attire lately, although we are having a heat wave just moments before the next big storm comes in right when I'm suppose to take my friend to the airport. I'd love to hear you play the guitar.
skye -i was just thinking about my mom playing guitar today... found the book "puff the magic dragon" and was singing it to my 3 year old... brought back some great memories of my mom playing guitar! i miss hearing it myself!
music - good for you
make time to play
Fleen, How depressing for D&J! Of course it WAS warm there when compared to the sub-zero temps here this week. Yesterday the high reached 11 degrees F, n on top of that, it was windy, too!
Skye, Good luck with the storm! Our heat wave was 30 F today- whew! I hope the plane ride went well for your friends.
BBM, Puff is the easy way to get kids to be quiet a minute... Sometime I won't have to dream to get around to it. There are cassette tapes somewhere.
David, Music is good, but work hurts my hands (blisters) n then I'm very allergic to the dust mites. Time for things is another story...
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