I'm sorry Madam, your reservations have been cancelled.

The Fire Monster checked in early n ate the whole place up with the main dining room as the main course. Landmark no more, the business passed down through generations is due for a massive extreme makeover...

The owner, the original owner's grandson, has vowed to rebuild ASAP. No one was hurt in the blaze on Main Street in Buzzards Bay, because it took place early that Saturday a couple weeks back. The local weekly paper reported the cause was electrical.
The restaurant was a favorite hangout for many locals over many decades, n would have been packed full that night, had it still stood.
I'd just happened to be driving by on my way to Ocean State Job Lot that afternoon of the day after, to pick up a few more pairs of those $3 reading specs. This wasn't an easy drive-by. Alot of people stopped in the parking lot to stare in disbelief. There was a cop stationed there n it was roped off to the point where these were shot from.
I'd been working at the time of this event, but my old friend Buddy was there n got awesome pics of the fire-fighting.
The Fire Monster has been paying visits to many of my blog buddies recently. What ever you do, don't send any invitations for this rude guest, he'll eat you out of house n restaurant-
Holy moley.
Just going to say...we're closed...
Fleen, Yep them's pretty big holes. Tough to miss that sign.
Lets see, First the CA fires near ArrowHead threatened David's area, then both Xray Chick n Janus, who'd both just moved home again after a month's major remodeling, each had contained housefires. Unbelievable!
we seem to be having a purging of restarants around the area... lol... its too early, i can't spell... did you get my invite to james party?
Snag - Hmmmm, fire does seems to be doing the rounds eh?
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
(Gives Neo a dirty look.)
So it would seem ;).
Hey snag sorry I pulled your comment off my last entry, I can explain a little better at my email = mynameisjanus@yahoo.com. Sorry to put it in the comments, didn't have the email. :)
BBM, (almost) No one online has good grammar edicate anyhoo- I didn't make the PO today, I'll go check em next-
Neo, Fire's been devastating many as the season has turned this year- may it spare future victims.
Janus, I won't hold it against you. I'll em in a min, mine's hidden-
Hay I wish to say thanks for the nice things you said bout me and the pic.(By that you must have got them I was hopeing you did.) but "Pal" took them...
Well there's not to meny things to burn down left.I hope no more..
You be good and have a happy birthday I know it is near..lol
Thanks Buddy, You should really post those pics, yes, I got them all-
Happy Bday to Pal today!
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