Friday, February 16, 2007

Ice Flows

Photo by SnaggleTooth 2007

The sea-ice is abundant here n so is my supply of decent pics of it to post for awhile.


I find ice-flow formations on the shoreline are always interesting because there are never two days that appear the same. The semi-durnal tide about every twelve hours breaks, picks up, n moves the ice chunks way up onto the beach, then leaves them in heaps on dry land when the water receeds.


We haven't gotten the snowfall on the Cape of the Western n Northern sections of the North-East US have. After a day of rain, we got glazed over n refrozen solid with a coat of ice in time for my ride home last early am. Conditions like this make me glad I'm not one of the delivery drivers.

Photo by SnaggleTooth 2007

All we can do is try to go with the flow...

n not freeze-up!


At 9:27 AM, Blogger Ellen said...

Wow! Great pictures.... almost makes me think you went up to the North Pole for these.

Luckily we are still below the snow storm line to have not gotten anything yet.... but the air is still cold, and layers are in order if we want to go outside.

Stay warm... and I better get going on that bread baking!

At 1:45 PM, Blogger Milk Brain said...

didn't the weweantic freeze over one winter when i was real little? and if my memory serves me correctly dint' soemone go out on the ice.. like christine or jason a or something? i could be hallucinating.

At 3:34 PM, Blogger Neo said...

Snag - Looks like you got more ice there than the north pole does these days...

At 12:05 AM, Blogger BKS said...

Cool pictures....makes me glad I live in Texas haha. Just out blogsurfing and the surf (although it is frozen in this area) swept me into your neck of the woods. Hope you have a great weekend!!

At 12:41 AM, Blogger Skye said...

That is AWESOME! we are waiting on the big wave to come in "Maverick" 100 foot wave we plan to drop everything and be there. stay warm my friend. oh, put your foot up for awhile and it'll heal quicker.

At 3:52 AM, Blogger Michael K. Althouse said...

That's pretty cool! Oh, I am so sorry! LOL

At 4:03 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Ellen, Thanks, these two were the winners of the last roll developing. The only thing missing is my totem polar bears...
This am was 14F here, then got warm in the 20's with strong wind-gusts! (7-layers)! mmmmm bread- Ah...

MB, I believe it was Dougie on the ice, circa 1984-ish, n think Nancy helped coax him back, cause no one would follow him! (Christine went out in the mud at way-low--tide, I went in to get her).
That was Brackish (28% saline) water- very scary ice! (A wide river with sea-tides). You're not hallucinating, your just very, very, pregnant!

Neo, yep- This is the same "fav" beach with the rock jettes from all those other posts... I hope not/Thanks! (It feels like it, too!)

Bks, Thanks! You're welcome anytime- glad you bumped in. TX is frozen?! Not this bad, tho- huh? I'm working my week-end, I'll make the best of it-

SkyBL2U, Thanks. If that huge of a wave blows in, ya better have a long-wet-suit, n a surf board! Hot water-bottles are keeping my home-life toasty... Toe is up or goes throb, throb, throb-

At 4:08 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Hey Mike, ya just snuck in on me! Thankyou, these are fun to share- Very, very, cool-er, Freezin! On ice, chill Babe...

At 10:44 PM, Blogger X said...

Those are awesome pics....but I must admit I got shivers just looking at them! We need beaches and sun and warmth my friend!

At 3:00 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

K, Thanks! Remember that Beach Boys tune "Bermuda, Bahama, Come on pretty Mama,..." that's been runnin thru my head all week...


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