Next stop, North Pole
"The excellence of a gift lies in its appropriateness rather than in it's value"
-Charles Dudley Warner

Yesterday is history.
Tommorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift,
That's why it's called "the present."
-(who wrote this, when?- I don't know-)
Wow, I'm really not in the holiday mood yet. There's still cards to send, n they gotta wait for a few hours of sleep. I've got a pile of cards to open n read also. I just haven't felt like doing it yet.
Knowing I've gotta work both Xmas Eve n day really puts a damper on the fun for me. (No holiday pay, either). All I'm planning on is a festival of soreness...
By next year, I hope I get to spend time with family instead. It'll be all I can do to wake-up for a few minutes with BBM n Baby J before work.
I want more bux for buying gifts, too, cause really, I prefer generous to cheap gift-giving. The new toys out for kiddies are cool, too- if ya can afford them. It's a very light gift-giving year for me.
At least the weather has been seasonably frigid here this week. Perhaps we'll get some snow from that (correction:) either CO or CA storm cell being squeezed by a Texas weather-maker by Sunday or Monday here, according to the weather-guy.
On another weather tack, NECN (New England Cable News) reported today that Central Europe is having it's warmest year ever, since record keeping began in the 1600's...
That's not comforting.
I wonder if the North pole is still frozen...
it's so weird to see that intersection all fancy, when after 20 years of driving it and every direction had the right of way. ha. i dont' remember any accidents grwoing up there.. and that spot in the hilll where your standing is one of the best sledding spots ont he hill.. just be sure to sled in pairs so you can have a lookout at the bottom! (that was always the rule)
Merry Christmas :)
MB, I remember a pair of tire tracks in the snow right into the steep hill-face (below where I was standing) where a car didn't make the intended turn because it was too slippery-
but never an accident as a result of playing chicken where they recently placed that stop sign after the bridge construction I blogged about last year... amazing!
Guess it is much prettier- I should get a pic of the evergreen bunting decs down there now...
SkyBL2U, Thankyou! I hope yours is a much better one than mine-
Snag - Yup, it's been a really warm year so far!
Makes me wonder how my apartment building could raise the rent due to "Increased Fuel Costs."
At any rate, have a good Christmas, it sucks to have to work and get nothing extra, but hey at least you're working.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Merry Christmas, Snags. I hope the New Year brings with it happiness, health and good fortune for you and yours,
Neo, they prob need more bux to supply their bad habits... My heat isin't included, (the electric Co owns me). When use decreases, they always up the price to get their money... I'm working, but would appreciate more benefits!
Thanks, hope yours is merrier!
Mike, Thank you for all the merry well-wishes, I hope the universe is listening! Merry times for you as well!
Snag - Yup, it's greed, pure and simple. Everything costs more now. I wouldn't be surprised if homelessness doubles in the next 5 years. It just seems that way these days.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Neo, yes, greed is the scariest monster! Regular folks need to live somewhere- camping out is never fun in the cold, either!
Snag - Merry Christmas.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Thankyou Neo, after 9 hours of work I'm so fried I almost forgot it was a special Day! Happy one for you, too!
Snag - ;)
Neo U!
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