Thee List

Shop Til You...
... Drop
Shop 'til you ...
"... find the best prices
"... get the great bargains
"... find the right color in the right size
"... get what they asked for
"... find the perfect gift
"... go busted broke
"... fund many companies 4th quarter profit
"... have payments for many years...
"... are out of days n time
"... have to get in that long line
"... get kicked out of closing stores
"... are crazy, mean, n nasty
"... need to purchase Depends
"... can't remember your name
"... don't know what you planned to give to who
"... can't drive straight
... Then try not to force my truck out of it's lane while I'm traveling straight forward during your left turn across two opposing traffic lanes, aiming straight at my driver's door...
The heart races! I thank the creator for giving me fast reflexes enough to change lanes quickly, n with the ability to see no one was to the right in the way.
Disaster averted. Another near death encounter...
My life appreciated! I will avoid shopping, n the road to the plaza...
Safe Shopping Folks!
Oh ! Well "Depends" would proably be a good choice. :)
SkyBL2U, sometimes waiting in those long lines can be very tough!
Snag - Just goes to show, shopping is a dangerous event. ;)
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Neo, I wasn't shopping, but the other dude definately was a bit frazzled from it-
Neo, ya, I'm not much of a butt-beater-upper lately...
thank God you were spared.
David, I must've thanked Him a good 20 times for that one!
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