As The Slush Flies....
Yesterday I got all my christmas lights down off the little deck trees n all the other Holiday decs put away. I moved stuff up near the side of the building to protect it all from the wind which was forecast to arrive with the latest storm.
I saw on the news that California n Nevada are getting rained away this week. At least we've been spared the flooding so far...
It's been alternating snow n rain all day long, n I cancelled most of my plans for the day. Slush had finally built up at the point when I decided I needed to get uptown for the post office, so I hiked it up there. Wish I could find my scarf I put away too well last year. I know it's clean n in a sealed baggie somewhere... Really coulda used the thick polar fleece scarf MB made me a couple years back today, yep! Which reminds me...
I watched the "Serenity" movie again last night on the puter, which was totally annoying due to audio interruptions every few secs, because of the speed problem I've been havin. The official Universal

They did post links to local online groups to hang at after they went down. I wonder how much that dude got paid to run the blog...
Snag -I've never seen that movie before. It's the one with John Cussack right?
Sorry to hear about your computer. Maybe you should give it last rights. ;)
Have fun making snow angels!
John Cussack seems to be your fav guess lately... nope. I'm talkin about the "Firefly"(-cult following) Sci-fi film I did a post on with the theme song awhile back.
On the news today a new deadly bug they don't have a patch for yet is out there now, which hangs out in images,
so ya gotta watch out too... This one just bogs down speed, or I'd be dead already...
btw, if I kiss this puter bye, I won't be online for awhile, no way to replace it!
I made some slush angels!
Snag -Yeah I've heard about that bug. I don't worry about it much. I'm patched for everything else, and I don't use Internet Explorer. I use the Mozilla browswer (free download) which has cookie blocking and popup controls. That limits the exposure to most of the spyware.
The only prob with pop-up block n my Norton software, is that's how it keeps the viruses from getting on the hard-drive, so would defeat that function if caught a worm bug. I've used mozilla on other puter's, but not on this one, n don't plan to.
Want a new machine sometime so this one can just stay off-line to do the art-editing, got expensive software on here- was a plan that got back-burnered tho...
Finally got the first restart n shut-down without an error, n now is speeding up, so got something off it recently that finally helped. Whew!
Snag -Nods, you must have an older drive in that thing too. Running ME is just aweful. You'd do yourself a favor to put windows 98 SE on there.
You'd noticed the improvement. And a memory upgrade wouldn't hurt.
What are your specs on that box?
thanks for the comment on my dream interpertation
people get paid to run blogs??? NO WAY!
i wonder why they shut downt he site... perhaps it wasn't getting any hits lately. that's too bad.. great movie. i ho pe they make another movie soon! the character's are great... did you know that joss whedon who created firefly also did movies such as toy story and created the tv series buffy teh vampire slayer?... i found that out recently... he's done alot of stuff...
hope you find that scarf before you freeze.. as least it's not as cold as last winter.. yet! i'll knock on wood for ya
Neo, I took my stats off, will get back into it another time... just happy I can type again! Think I know where I picked up the offending spybot, too...
David, you're welcome!
Ya, there are a few promotional bloggers who earn a living at it... if only we could all be...
MB, thankz, I'll keep lookin, tho got other stuff to do... today have a sore throat...
Think I saw that same show...was it Access Hollywood or the bonus on the CD...?
Man, I can't bring down the xmas decorations until at least the end of January. I just want to capture that Christmas spirit for as long as I can without looking mentally disturbed.
oILfield, I've done that before, but I just wasn't in the holiday mood this year, n had the time to get them down before the snow n ice made it tougher to do. My neighbors still have the icicle-lights up.
Because of my mother's rules I feel embarrassed when lights are still on after New Years day...
At least you leave the lights up that long. I yank them down the day after Christmas. I put 'em up early and take 'em down early. My kids are lucky if I'm not doing it Christmas night. LOL.
Wow T! I guess you're "type A" big time! I just try to follow my mom's rules, a minimum week of xmas eve to New years day, earlier before is okay, but not after.
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Snag -Good to hear you killed that evil bot.
I think I found your lost shirt, did you want me to wash it before I mail it back?
Neo, I have to wait til later for the rest of info ya wanted... Ya, big relief not to wait 10 secs to see what typos I just did!
David, that depends on where it was... never mind, (soundz good)! Chances are I'm allergic to your laundry detergent anyhow. I use special soap so I don't get really itchy...(Chlorine Dioxide with no fragrance)...
Snaggle- I used to have that same rule about taking down the Christmas tree on New Years Day... except this year I got a little lazy. It's still up (dried and wilting). My neighbor told me the other day it was ok as "little Christmas is on Jan 6th this year, and it should be left up till then.
Thank God! I just haven't had the energy. We did get the lights outside down though!
Glad to hear the "bot" is gone. Yay!
Ellen, never heard of "little Christmas" before... Well, one bot is off, but still having other probs to fix, like couldn't get keyboard to work all morning. that's because I needed to type somethin! well, better now, not best...
Merry little xmas!!
Snag - Here's the definition:
Little Christmas or Nollaig Bheag in the Irish language, is one of the traditional names in Ireland for January 6, more commonly known as the Epiphany.
It is so called because it was, until the adoption of the Gregorian calendar, the day on which Christmas Day was celebrated. It is the traditional end of the Christmas season and the last day of the Christmas holidays for both Primary and Secondary schools.
PS. Hang in there, we'll get er done with that fruity computer! :)
Neo, Ah Irish! That explains why I never heard of it before. I have no Irish blood, just French n Scot, but my children do...
I remember the holy Day the Epiphany cause I went to nun school tho-
What a day I'm having! (why haven't I blogged?) Seems 5 minutes into everything I do the keyboard stops functioning. When's the last time you had to navigate with only mouse control, copy/paste/save what ya did so ya don't lose it? I've done it a good 20 times today. No way to get things done
I was here n had to restart, come back n do this again. Oy Vais!
epiphany is also known as three kings day to many people... it's the day the kings arrive to see the baby jesus and bring gifts... spain and many other hispanic cultures celebrate 3 kings day instead of christmas
Wow, MB, didn't realize ya knew all the religious history. Hmmm, that reminds me, Maybe I'll diffuse some Frankinscence essential oil...
Snag -See your next comment section. :)
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