I've Got Ssooo Many!

................ Bluesy Lyrics to:
"Bad Habits" by Bruce Marshall
... I drink alot of coffee, champagne, beer, n wine
I got a habit of cussin n another one of lyin
I like to bet the race-horses, n play the Numbers too
I like to eat to much of that Texas Barbeque...
I've got so many bad habits, killin me by degrees.
I start out walkin n I wind up fallin down on my knees...
Ya know I smoke a little reiffer, n I like to snort cocaine
I jolt Taggerin gin, n smoke cigarettes in a chain
I got a pretty women habit, ya know those fine legs upset my soul
The only habit I ain't got is: that one called self-control!
I've got so many bad habits, killin me by degrees.
I start out walkin n I wind up fallin down on my knees...
Well, I used to have some of those in the tune, way back. I've just spent years correcting many naughty habits, most to do with destructive behavior. I'll no longer drink coffee or soda, smoke, or consciously do anything to another person I don't want done to me. I rarely drink, n haven't been drunk in years. I'm not lazy n exhaust myself working on chores n projects in stead of relaxing. I try to be tolerant n non-judgmental of other people n their beliefs. I could never steal from anyone, or ignore a person that I see can be helped by me. I had to think for a week before I could do a post on this one!
This is a challenge game of tag, via blogs:
the Castle of Nanninburg
the Secret Garden
.... Instructions:
- I tend to edit instructions to be more clearly stated... I should've been a repair manual editor...
Once I wrote instructions on how to make a PB & J sandwich as an assignment. It was 500 words, n got an "A."
A.) State your Subject:
- Now, why would I want to tell everyone my bad habits n send 'em cringing hand over open mouth...? Because embarrassment is joyful! Actually, ya don't actually have to list the worst ones, just the ones ya can live with revealing! -OK?
B.) You're supposed to "tag" five others by name to do the same, at the end of the post.
- I won't because I don't usually pass along chains, but I'll say if ya wanna do one on this subject, take your time, then tell 'em I sent ya! There's no curse warning to follow your "tagged" list (yet).
C.) List them.
Let 'er Rip:
1.) I waste electricity by sleeping with the TV on a low volume, directly in front of me all night long! No timer used, no silence wanted... The white noise it provides usually keeps my damaged ears from ringing loudly and waking me up! Without TV sound, it takes me hours to fall asleep, n I'll wake up repeatedly because of my ears. I like the sound of quietly speaking voices and soundtracks. I can't sleep to the radio because my brain has to follow the music as though I were learning, or practicing it (I'm a musician)!
2.) I run the TV and computer simultaneously, n then have both in my attention's background while I go do other things like food prep, mail sorting, gathering needed project supplies, n making notes or lists. Although the TV is on, I seldom look at it, except out of the corner of my eye, and listen. The electronic devices are shut off during the day at the same time, for quiet time. Sometimes everything is off all day long, although since 9/11, I pay daily attention to news n have become a news-junkie.
I take very simple things, n make them very complex with layered information. Nothing is simple here... (in my brain).
3.) I prefer silence around me when I'm on the phone... (This is the same answer as Ellen's #2).
Before I pick up on the ring, I turn off the TV volume. I hate when I shut off something I really want to see like the weather report on my way out the door (impt: I have to decide if I need the wiper fuse in or not before I start driving), just to pick it up for a telemarketer!
Sometimes I'll forget to turn a show back on because I get sidetracked on projects n miss something I'd waited all night to see. I miss alot of what I'd planned to see because I can't effectively rush people I care about off the phone, n the volume is off while I'm listening to them...
4.) I mentally edit n rewrite almost everything I read. This Tag game I decided was worth the re-write for fun! Peeve: I hate it when I've just posted a comment n find an uncorrectable typo which changes the intensity n meaning of the text. GRrrrh! I want to correct my errors!
FYI: All the dropped "g" endings, "ya," and "n" characters in my blog-text are totally on purpose! I'm playing a blog-character here...!
5.) I spend far too much time blog-reading every night when my puter's working. It's far too entertaining to ignore! I really should concentrate more time on projects n writin, n save the blogs for last, so I'll get more work done, (but that's no fun).
Whew! Ellen's right, I figured out a ton more things to add to the list, but five's enough, "Oh well!" All done. I managed to squeeze a few extras in there n that's only the very tippity-top of the frigid iceburg that's still the big secret. I also refer to the weather in almost every post, n if ya haven't guessed, it's freezin in here!
Snaggle- I love it!... and thanks for playing along!
I'm guilty of 2,3,4 and 5 myself, and found that we are so much alike (although you explained them better to me than I could). Number 1 used to be one of my bad habits, but I found that I didn't get a good nights sleep with the TV on (even with the volume low)... luckily now I do put it on a timer, and sleep much better.
I love the lyrics of "Bad Habits", and found that that was much of my youth explained to me. LOL!
I really enjoyed the fact that Lee Ann tagged me with this one as I didn't have to spend a meaningful hour or two of thinking of something to say... this one was easy, and I was able to put it out in about 15 minutes. You, however, took it to a superior level... and I loved reading every word!
Ellen, Glad ya were amused even though it became barely recognizable from the original challenge version. I'm a writer, n work on it even when I don't mean too! I'm an over-achiever of assigned tasks...
Bruce's song is always alot of fun to sing along with too. (I designed the t-shirt, so an ad for him IS an ad for me! Sounds like a fun youth you had!
Snaggle- Well, it was a somewhat short youth, and in my early 20's.
You know... the break-away from being sheltered, then coming to my senses before too much damage was done. I still managed to be responsible to my job, but partied on the weekends with my druggie step-brother and his girlfriend... who ended up being one of my best friends. (She's the one that lives in Naples, FLA now, and we still keep very much in touch with one another.... 10 hour phone calls when we have the time).
Love the T-shirt design! There is a company in Atlanta named BMG, and they are the distributors to record companies such as Tower Records, etc. Bet they would think your design is top class!
Ellen, Ya I've heard of a music service with those intials that sends ads in the mail, but it's the abbreviation he uses too, n I guess ya can't copywright an acronymn (or so he said).
it's funny that when i put on my pajamas last night i happened to put on my bmg t-shirt that you gave me back in '98.. it doesn't make public appearances anymore. :) it's too loved. and then i get on the puter and see the shirt on your page.. i chuckled "what a co-inky-dink". and today i have on my other bmg t-shirt that you gave me a year or two back... so i guess i'm sporting "snaggle-wear"
Well, I can agree with every single one of yours. I do practically the same things. That's pretty wild!
I'll do one in a few days. Although I'm always spouting off about my bad habits, so there's really no secret there. Heh.
"Snaggle-wear".... what a novel idea MB!
Hi MB, Glad they still get some use. Ya realize those are in very limited supply, think there's only 2 left out of 12 dozen I had made! Of course I scoffed about 5 for myself...
Jinsy, ya it took me along time to decide what to reveal, then I came up with more than I could use! I'm still workin on your Tag sheet for the next post, if find any time this week. Ya like to edit too, eh?
Ellen, now I need a new "Snaggle Wear" logo design for labels...
Snaggle- As talented as you are, that should be a breeze to come up with!
I can see it now..... Exit Stage Left Productions introduces: Snaggle-wear. A must for every closet!
How do you think Martha got started? It was in her own kitchen in her own home (well before health standards deemed that a big "no-no").
Snag -Sorry I didn't read this sooner. The weekend was a blur.
I really liked those lyrics!
Thanks for sharing your 5. :)
Ah, Neo's almost awake from that wild week-end tour... What's up with all the pretty-girl pix over there this week?
Ya I really didn't wanna give out all the big secrets... so ya only got a few... now if I can only get the Jinsy one done...
Just spent hours huntin down old secret recipe (buried deep) files for nieces, Whew! I gotta find time for makin goodies too!
Ii'll compliment your 5 nad habits with my nine random things - come read all about it. My five bad habits, hmm
I drink two beers when one would satisfy (same with women I guess)
I smoke a cigar when I am celebrating or frustrated. I take long showers in the winter. i do not finish one thing before starting three others.
I cant count past four!
Snag -It was hottie weekend on JBI. ;) *hug*
Snaggle ~ Sounds like you are pretty perfect in your crazy little ways. :)
I sleep with music going, but timer on. I'm not good at going to sleep without. But these days, I often find myself waking up singing... wonder if it's ever the last song I heard when I drifted off, and if so, did I just spend the entire night singing?? ;)
Stay warm!
David, thanks for sharing! I hate unfinished projects, I do it sometimes they get pre-empted. I'll have to check out ramdom what?
Neo, ya don't wanna see my idea of that theme...
hey CJ, Hmm, sounds like subliminal learning while asleep! They say babies learn music they hear in the womb... thankz!
I've actually written tunes inside dreams n remembered them after I awoke... chords n all!
Twilight Zone moment here, the last one, "crazy world" written in a dream was for Bruce Springstein's voice....
Hi! You call it a puter so do I.LOL!
Snag -LOL, good point. ;)
Welcome SBU2, ya I picked up some lingo habits like abbrev n long ago, got "puter" from MB when she was still in HS.
ya "Great minds think!"
Neo, well, as long as it's not everyday! OK...
I edit everything I read too! I think it comes from my days as a copy editor. I also correct people when they say something incorrect...but in my head, not outloud because they they get mad and it is an annoying habit!
I also like quiet when I'm on the phone, because if not, I start paying attention to something else and the person on the other end of the line lands up getting mad!
Snag -Uh oh, you're MIA!
Hey if I don't see you post, have a safe and fun Christmas!
God Bless!
- Neo
Hi Left field, welcome to my commentz box! Ya did copy-edit, eh? Slash, slash, Cut, cut!
I don't correct speech because my mother, descended from French-Canadian lines, did it to use so much I used to try not to talk at all! There was no slang alowed in our house as kids. (There she'd say: "They are children! Kids are baby goats!")
Whenever I sense I'm being phone ignored, I'll bail n say 'Gotta go!"
Hi Neo, here ya go there's one for ya up there now. I'm not on a tight schedule like ya are, ya know! Sorry I can't keep up the pace all the time. I'm sporadically busy. I'm really happy my puter shut-down right twice today, first time in two weeks, so avoided scanning-disk finally. Makes for quicker boot-ups. Yippee~ I'm thrilled... Well, at least someone noticed I've been out somewhere...
Snag -Thanks for the comment.
If you're running win 98, go to your run box type. msconfig
Go into the advanced box, and uncheck
"Disable Scandisk after bad shutdown."
That will make the scandisk not load when you start your computer.
Hope that helps.
- Neo
PS. Make sure you click apply after you apply this change, you'll need to reboot too.
Actually 98 is on my peer puter. I'm running ME online now. I know I could bypass the scanning, but I always try fixing the problem... once in awhile it works better for next shut-down. When the prob is ignored it always freezes...
Compared to me you are as pure as an angel's gown!
Me a coffee or 2 a day. Drinks when I wish, not every night.
Smoking, no.
Too much sugar.
JanF, I didn't even mention my dark chocolate habit here...
This was 3 years back, so I'll have to think if an update would be different- not much-
Oh, the dreaded lure of the computer and I can relate to having background noise. Either the television or the CD player or the radio is on. I have that pause live tv thing, so I don't miss much though, like you, I have to turn everything down when I'm on the phone...but turn everything up when I'm writing. Go figure!
I totally get you on the typo peeve!
Talon, you like loud noise when you write? how strange. I know some folks who play specific music n let it inspire their writing. I like peace n quiet tho- some moods can't be conceived when the wrong tempo swings the head the other direction-
I can only pause VCR/DVD stuff. The rest, I still miss 4 years later!
Thanks for checking it out here-
Add to mine...
JanF, Thanks, for checking out my Snagglewear-
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