Deck Blossoms 2013
I never got around to showing you the pretty blossom assortment I've been putting on my table all summer, due to my pic upload glitch. Some one at work told me to read a book with that title... I should look it up when I have more time. Mostly I've been reading free Sci-Fi put in the Post Office used book exchange (New thing just this summer). Again I'm uploading pics on another computer into drafts for later use. I got so frustrated after work trying this week.
Hate not getting to post same day pics all the time anymore -
In July the growth n blossoms were grand. Like those pretty light pink inpatiens n dark burgandy centered Petunias. I had a odd collection of sizes n colors of petunias, due to one mixed $2 flat, two smaller sized $1 re-pots, plus seeds grown, n surprize appearances. Add in $1sale mixed Inpatiens, plus ones sprouting all over. A big surprize were two years ago viola seedlings sprouting in almost every pot, plus Volunteer Shasta daisies.
Mostly I picked Petunias for the table, as you need to pick them to encourage more. This is my fave, most sunny spot, near the door, that I have. The front is used more for veggies n herbs. Not shown today- n really gearing down now. Have Tomatoes, Carrots, Beets, Pickle Cukes, Thyme, Basil, Mint, n Lavender. Had Peas until a few weeks ago.
I really liked those pink n white striped petunias I always call the peppermint ones- they remind me of the hard candy. The catepillars ate them all up since then. I don't care about the white ones, n still have tons of them!
Impatiens are all around the deck- they did well with chicken wire protecting them from critters.

Now the petunias are being devoured faster than they can grow. I have a catepillar in a jar n hope it hatches to show me the true pest- I'd hate to kill butterflies by accident. There are milkweed all through the red Bramble Roses (small blossoms) in the yard. I found a pink Bramble Rose by the bridge, n it's still alive in a bucket on the deck. Hope it winters ok- I have a collection to plant in a new yard spot after it's weeded again. Next week I should have more free time Off.
I need a whole devoted day to re-pot all the house plants too- It's been over a year. Lost a few waiting too long, n knocked some over putting windows up n down. Most of my care takes place after work about 3 am by flashlight. I carry jugs of water from in the house out to sit a day before watering. I like Days Off when I can peruse all the prettiness at leisure in daylight better... Most free time is errands n chores still.
The same spot in August has blooming Marigolds from previous years bloom seeds added in. They're taking off in several pots now in September. I've already collected some seeds to use next year, n will let most go to seed now too.
It took me so long to find these pics I knew I took, n to post them, finally! (Now back to massive pic uploading!)
My daughter bought some lovely pots and put artificial flowers in them. She anchored the flowers with gravel and put them on my porch table outside. Rain and storms have not moved these lovely flowers and I haven't had to do a thing with them other than enjoy their beauty. Hey, there's a post I haven't done so will go take pictures right now.
So lovely! That's the worst part of saying goodbye to summer - saying goodbye to all the gorgeous blooms that brightened our days.
Gran Annie, I've been meaning to post about the flowers doing so well this summer for weeks- I'm getting good at it, I guess, n good weather helps!
Talon, blooms lasted alot longer this year, so I can't complain-. I get so spoiled in summer! I hate not having the pretties to pick for the table. Hopefully a few more weeks here before the ice gets them!
Your flower pots look lovely!! Yeah I miss seeing all the colour outside has the flowers die off. My Marigolds are still going, but I'm getting less and less new buds now.
LLcoolJ, We just had a cold snap (until today) that almost stopped them all. Glad you found plants that grow for you!
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