Where the Water Meets the Sky

ESR is loaded with current local scenery, many made into strange n colorful altered images. Words describe some of SnaggleTooth's life n opinions. Most poems on ESR are spontaniously written into the editor. Enjoy the sights n whimsey.
That photo is just breathtaking - I think you should frame that one. And I am in awe of your poem - lovely words about the uncertainty of life and dreams of the future.
What a lovely combination. Both photo and poetry.
Lynn, I can'T believe I didn't post it already- That day I posted http://snaggedt.blogspot.com/2011/09/reflecting-flight.html
That pic I'm currently making cards out of. This one didn't have a good altered image to go with it. It's my annual New Year's poem.
Glad you enjoyed it.
Tabor, Thanks. The poem exists because I was looking at the pic while writing it. They are now inseparable! There are alot of these excersizes on ESR.
You ARE a ship of powerful dreaming energy, Snaggle!!
I like your annual New Year's poem.
Maybe peace and the certainty that you are deeply loved be with you!
hay, how yoo iz, my snaggil?
yor foto is stuning. i lieks verry mutch.
hapy noo yeer.
"Stepping stones across time" - what gorgeous imagery. Beautiful poem, Snaggle. What a ship of dreams that is! And what a perfect photo. They belong together.
Wishing you a blessed and beautiful 2012, Snaggle!
JanF, I think of the ship as my secret weapon... Maybe you'll do an annual thingy too- Awww thanks for the warm fuzzies
BB, I haz a notty Cold- but can't stay home from work this week. Vaca/holiday orders are up. Can't wate till necks weak. Tanks
Have a funny Bunny New Year
Talon, That's what the New Years marker is to me- a Stepping stone across time. Thanks. I sure need that ship lately. I see two eyes n a mouth in those rocks, btw.
Happy New Year to you! (I have to work the holiday again)
That is a beautiful photo and words!
Happy New Year to you!!!
Nice :)
Thanks Joey- Hope the UK New Years was fun for you, full of good tunes.
Neo, Thanks. Happy New Year
Just a note to say hello... and many thanks for the lovely cookies and candy..... all which were gone in a matter of minutes.
Hope this makes it through to you. I've noticed that I haven't commented since 2007, and not sure if blogger recognizes me again.
I've lost your e-mail address in the crash, and so glad I found another way to talk with you.
Love the poem, and the picture!
Have a wonderful New Year!
Hi Ellen! Glad you were able to log in n find me again! I always check ESR more often than email, due to slow loading of tons of spam there. I'll find your EM addr soon. Glad you enjoyed the goodies n the post- thanks. Have a good 2012 too!
oops... 13
Neo, woopsy...
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