Little Tree

Today's pic was taken out the front window at a little tree lit up on the deck. It's only a few inches over 2 feet high, n has been knocked around in the winds a few times. I like that it's visible from the main road, n high enough to be seen from across the B-cove.
Alot more folks have lights up this year, but that one crazy, overdone place has been dark as I pass by so far-
Our Electric Company has been reported as being the most expensive in New England. Perhaps they moved or are limiting the "on" hours, or they had wind damage to fix from the past week.
I had to go a long way around a traffic jam today, n was rewarded with the display tour...
Enjoy those lights...
Happy Hanukkah, n Winter Solstice!
So is that little tree on your deck?
There's a Christmas light extravaganza in the building next to me in the condos that you can sync with music on a radio station. :) I loved the photo I saw somewhere that had one of those displays and the house next to it had the word "DITTO" written in lights on their house. Ha!
I think some of the houses around my neighbourhood look great, but some are so over the top that they look just too much. I keep meaning to take out my camera one night and photograph the nice looking ones.
I like your tree!
Lynn, Yes, it's a little tree on the deck, right infront of the kitchen window at the railing. It's prob been in some other deck pics of flowers somewhere...
Lucky you to get treated to such a show right near home! Ditto is very funny-
LLcoolJ, I wonder if the electric bills there are as bad as here? They do get a bit crazy sometimes. I think it's very hard to get a good pic of those lights- They blur so easy, or come out too dim. Thanks, I prefer not killing a tree, n it's better than none...
Less holiday lights here this year, but the ones that are there are even more appreciated. Your tree looks so lovely - I love multicolored lights and I lovee that you're sharing it with everyone :)
Wishing you a beautiful Christmas, Snaggle.
Merry motherfuckin' Christmas Charlie Brown!
Talon, I always use multi-colored. Most folks here do the Victorian "All white" thing, but I hate plain white. On the coves folks always display for across the way, n looks nifty. Folks are definately shutting down early to save on the elec bill.
Thanks, hope you have a good holiday too-
Neo, I knew someone was gonna mention Charlie Brown! but wtf not mf! How big is your tree this year?
Jolly holly 2U, guzzle one for me
Really pretty tree, Snaggle! So warm and cozy looking. I put up a few strings of colored lights outside last night, nothing fancy but they look nice.
highest price for electricity, eh? You all should protest that, I think!!
Merry Christmas.
merrie chrissmiss!
I hops you haz lots of joy and funs.
Yeah I agree I haven't got a good photo yet!
Have a wonderful Christmas Snaggle. Hope it's a good one!
Merry Christmas, Dear Snaggle!!
Just want to pop back in and say hi.
Hope you have a merry and sweetly bright time with your family.
Merry Christmas, Dear Snaggle!!
Just want to pop back in and say hi.
Hope you have a merry and sweetly bright time with your family.
JanF, n it's so cold out there today, the window is fogged up! Need to peek out a little hole to see my tree today-
The elec co always wins! N I pay for elec heat.
BB, Merry Holiday hopping to you!
Lotza funs, yep-
LLcoolJ, Took me years to figure it out- Tripod n contrast controls help alot. Good luck- N Merry Christmas to you!
JanF, Merry Christmas to you! I Spent a couple hours with the 2 Little Ones down the hill- but have to go to work while everyone gets dinner n relaxes- I'm soooo tired... a 2fer
JanF, Merry Christmas to you! I Spent a couple hours with the 2 Little Ones down the hill- but have to go to work while everyone gets dinner n relaxes- I'm soooo tired... a 2fer
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