7 = Godzilla

Happy Day J!
Last week-end was J's Godzilla party.

I like this one...

Original party decs were created by BBM

I wanted alot more Little One pics, but my cam batts were going dead, n so I took alot of non-flash pics in which all who moved blurred.

The cake was continuously frosted cupcakes that we ripped apart one at a time. All the kids had fun. I was so tired because I didn't sleep that day n had to leave early to get ready for work.

But J was quick to point out, he wasn't really going to be 7 until today. He's getting so old n smart!
That sounds like a fun party and I'm glad you could be there. I need to know more about a continuously frosted cupcake. The frosting is the best part, in my opinion, so maybe I need to do this. :)
Lynn, He wanted strawberry n chocolate cupcakes, so one side underneath was the Stawberry, n the other Chocolate. Just place them sides touching together in a quasi-rectangular shape n frost the entire thing as a one cake n decorate. There was alot of extra frosting to eat. Starting from the outside of the form, hold a cupcake by the papercup, n lift up to rip the frosting. Thanks
thank you for inviting me!
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
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Cloudia, anytime! Wish more of the Little One pics came out. It was fun playing Godzilla with them! He likes those old, Japanese films.
Looks like a fun party! Loved the cake as well!
The balloon shot looks good. I'm not surprised you were tired either, that sounds like quite a day, and night!
LLcoolJ, Yep it was fun. It was all I could do to stay awake at work, n I was moving around too! I still feel tired... Thanks
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