Full Card
Until this holiday season, I had an Aunt that always sent out a holiday newsletter, recounting the entire year's highlights of her life. Some folks bemoan receiving such lengthy, impersonal, one size-fits-all, mass mailings, but I always looked forward to hearing what her family'd been up to.
I remember on a few occassions a long time ago my father had sent out a similar, one paged, typed synopsis of our immediate family events, but some of us would always get offended by his tongue in cheek humor n some jokes he made, which he'd thought made amusing reading. He was not well known for being tactful...
Dad's update never came close to his sister-in-law's cheerfully recounted adventures of church choir concerts, charitable deeds, visits, n family trips. If I had to write one of those I'd have to make up fillers to get a whole page. All I accomplish lately is work n survival. It's all I can do to come up with about three, non-depressing sentences to write into my Holiday cards... I avoid blogging about some depressing things too.

I've been really depressed to not have been able to drop everything that week-end, or have funds to travel halfway down the coast to visit my gathered family, or even be able get to her service in time. Since my parents have been gone, I find losing their generation of immediate family members very difficult.
Now as I pick up the few, sparcely detailed cards in the mail, I'm reminded of how well I knew my Aunt due to her annual holiday newsletters, even tho she relocated so far away years ago. I save all my holiday cards (I don't get alot), n I know I'm going to dig out last years n read it again, just because I'll miss getting a new one this year.
There's nothing wrong with sharing your life that way when you've worked to fill it with so many worthwhile pursuits, n are a good writer too. (Just don't make fun of your folks). Even if some readers may think you're boasting about how blessed a life you've had compared to them.
Here's a "Yay!" for the family holiday newsletter...
I think your letter would tell about the many entertaining blog posts your have written, how you live in a beautiful place and always have a beach to walk on, and how many people (including this blogger) value your friendship.
My friend Rush (we worked together in the early '90s) sends out a Christmas letter every year. He and his wife live in the north Georgia mountains. She runs an organic farm and he runs a candle factory. He won reelection to the city council of his wee township and managed to knock on the door of every constituent. They spent their 30th anniversary this year aboard The Orient Express! Who does that??? Them. :) I always look forward to their letter, just like you like to get the ones from your family.
Merry Christmas, Snaggle!
Snaggle, you must miss her so much. Her photo radiates her positive spirit.
I have one sweet friend who fills up every inch of her holiday card with updates and I always look forward to making my way around the card. :) She does the same on birthday cards, too, and they are full of her personality.
I can't imagine blogging without you here, Snaggle, and I'm grateful for our friendship.
Wishing you a beautiful Christmas, Snaggle!
Lynn, Thanks. I value you also. Maybe these folks use the letter as motovation to do more so they can report about it! I do usually mention my blog, but hope it doesn't sound like a commercial for it- Seems every one is on FB but me- Jolly Holly to you.
Talon, I'm pretty upset I couldn't go to her service. She was another very strong n determined woman, (as was my Mother). I love the old (pre-grey) pic of her. I spent many childhood Summer vacas at her home, n with those cousins.
I need more ambition to get cards out before New Years this year- I always write a note.
Thanks- Jolly Holly to you
I appreciate your company here too.
You guessed it- I have to work Xmas Day, don't get a dinner, n get no sleep to fit in a Little Ones visit.
I have not gotten any family cards out yet this year. Maybe tomorrow I will.
What a beautiful-looking lady.
I regret all the funerals missed too, I know exactly how you feel on that. But we can't be everywhere. And people understand.
Spirits passing through, we are. With a plan we may not completely understand. But it's all supposed to turn out well down the line.
Take care, my friend.
JanF, despite circumstances beyond my control, I still don't excuse myself. It always feels worse to miss it. Harder to get over it that way. Plus had to work to cover someone elses' vaca. Work is not more important, ever. (but they think it is)
I hope you're right, that's a positive thought- Thanks
See Snaggle blogging runs in your family. :)
Sounds like your Aunt was a pretty dedicated person when it came to actually blogging the hard way by physically mailing out stuff. A labor of love. We're spoiled these days, when we click post its out into the world with no coming back.
I'm sorry for your loss. *HUG*
Thanks Neo- You're right, that's blogging the hard way!
Yup, old school. I kinda miss letters and pen pals that took the time to write a physical letter.
In another few years most of us will have used a keyboard for so long we'll have forgotten how to write.
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