
I like the way this several times altered image came out- On the right I can see a white n grey Picasso-esk face with odd eyes eating up a golf-course pie with sand-traps! The cartoon-ish Thought-Cloud attached to the blue-eyed character is strangely blank of dialogue, but suggests the taste is golden.
Due to the size of the nose n chin shadow side, I'd also venture to guess some one lies like Pinocheo. Three spoons may not be enough to shovel it all in! The alien's name is Shleb, n so many golf pros are about to be very dissappointed! (I hope Tiger isin't watching!)

I'm often accused of having a vivid imagination...
Got any more to add?
It looks a bit like a Peter Max painting. :) That is such a beautiful and tranquil scene.
Not me Snaggle, I always thought they should play golf in waist deep water. Remember when they come up with water polo. They had a problem with finding a pool big enough for the horses.
imagination, vivid, wild? no not you
Bless you.
I think it/he/she sneezed
Lynn, thanks- I was trying to think of that name! Grey n white sides do remind me of Picasso's Grey Lady tho- but the form does resemble Maxx characters.
Ellis, wow, have i been typo=ing your name all over lately! You just almost got 2 "E"s... I do remember water polo n used to play it now n again- but the horses were played by people, with piggy-back riders. I always felt bad when the horses got drowned -er, dunked...
David, You know it!
Paige, (it's both!) must be allergic to grass pollen like me...
Oh, I just love the high up angle. Cool shot, Snaggle.
And vivid imaginations?? Can never be enough of those with good intentions, as yours is.
vivid imagination is the way of the world if humands didn't have it there would be nothing...
& I coudn't use the canopener or some other things someone's imagination has come up with...
And the list goes on,keep it up human's...
lol! Golden thought bubbles indeed! Loved it, Snaggle!
JanF, Another shot taken from the D-bridge. Like what happened to the sky in the altered pic- n fun making up stories to the silly looking stuff-
Your imagination is creative too-
Buddy, I wonder who thought up Bobos? Wish I could think a way to lotsa bux quick, but oh well!
I'll keep thinking... after my nap-
Talon, I'm pleased you were amused!
Welcome back
deerist my snaggle,
i reely lieks the second one wot shows my favrit weeds to munch.
i goening back to be now, my jannie maeking me werk so mutch lately. I tired!!
wit loves from me
i means goeing back to bed now
BB, To be or not to be, but always to munch!
btw- a wildflower book I have says those are also called wild carrots...
BB, tired? me 2! Tell Jannie I tried commenting to say thanks for the sidebar button but was bumped again!
I love the effects on the top image!
LLcoolJ, Thanks! It's difficult to guess what'll turn up until you try it- I like finding characters I wasn't expecting!
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