Hidden Light

ESR is loaded with current local scenery, many made into strange n colorful altered images. Words describe some of SnaggleTooth's life n opinions. Most poems on ESR are spontaniously written into the editor. Enjoy the sights n whimsey.
Nice thought in the poem.
It's a sweet rock you to sleep poem
i just loves it so mutch, snagle. yoo is gud wit kameras and skyes.
that's a neat thought that the sun is "dressing under shades."
Gorgeous sky captured.
Thanks for all.
A wonderful place to gather your thoughts.
that is loverly
I loved the last stanza, Snaggle! And the sky is so soft and pretty...the sort of photo you can lose yourself in.
Ellis, Thanks- the pic does slow me down- tho sundown is usually early in my day- working nights.
BB, Glad you enjoyed my thoughts on that pic. I like open sky with cloud pics, without the power lines whenever possible...
JanF, Thanks, that was my niftiest idea I thought- cause ya know something's going on back there you can't see- n I always entertain the idea that the Sun is an aware entity- as we are so aware of it-
Lynn, it's my fave couple of minutes wheneverr I can get away with it- My head is quite restless lately-
Talon, You could guess that I was wondering where to go with what i began n chose to focus on the observer- n that sight was very fleeting n quickly changed away! Thanks
It's interesting the way we gather our thoughts as the light fades at night time. Nice.
Hey Snaggle...
Loving that photo and the poem fits it perfectly.
Thanks for sharing it too. :)
Hope the nights have been kind to you and you're enjoying some sunshine and tourist free moments.
Sending prayers.
llcoolJ, Yes it is- I usually decide what I can still get done in the dark, because I always run out of daylight time when it's easier to do so much.
CJ, Glad you enjoyed the poem the pic conjured for me. Hope all is well down under in New Zealand, too! Thanks for prayers- I still pray for you n your family each day!
Oooh, I love your poem -- so gentle, soothing, and what a nice time to gather one's thoughts as the light fades away. Gorgeous picture, too!
ThommaLyn, Thanks, I should have such good gathering time everyday-
I said what about you?????
come on over and find out
Paige, oh oh- what'd I do now? Or what did you do? Most likely I'll be there soon, n better not crash before I can comment again...
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