.(written early am Monday, posted later but pre-dated)
Bogus Bloggus Interruptus:
Strangeness upon trying to connect tonight, swiping away my regular afterwork routine. Recently in a post, writer
"G" asked if anything happened lately to majorly interrupt your routine.
"I wish it wasn't this!" is my first thought.
One workshift left to go before quality Time Off can be unrushed n sites leisurely perused.
But today I'm wasting my very limited, two-hour interval, just trying to connect!
My server's computer isin't communicating, n I'm stranded without all my pals! This interrupts my reading schedule to stay current, I'll undoubtedly fall behind somewhere...
This totally figures, because yesterday, I had the easiest time all month loading what are usually slow pages for my puter to show. I commented all over BlogLand. Now I'm missing the fun, in the relaxed way I usually want to just unwind my day before shower n sleep.
Mischief interrupted my before work schedule today too, so I was a few minutes late, n then caught heavy traffic in the off-Cape direction as is usual for summertime, adding on more late.
I let her out on the deck for about one-half hour while I'm getting my lunch n supplies together, as on most days, but today when I went to bring her in, she was on the roof outside the rails. She's so good she'll usually come right back in, for petting- but not this time. After being repeatedly asked, n her refusing, I got the plant water squirt bottle. She just walked around to the far end corner. So I went crazy to hurry n move plants out of the way, reach through the bars, pick her up, lifting to the top of the rail, n over it while switching hands, careful not to drop her or get clawed- a feat of magic that I pulled it off!
Now she'll be grounded awhile until she gets the "You'd better listen!" message. I can't afford to let her mess up my day like that-
N she hasn't very often.
Now I'm about out of blogging time n nowhere near where my tired brain wants to be...
Well, off to do something else requiring more energy-
Sounds like Mischief was living up to her name, Snaggle! ;) I'm glad she didn't set you back too much. I'm sorry you're having connection problems - it's so annoying! Hopefully, it will correct itself soon! Hope work goes smoothly so you can really enjoy your time off.
Perhaps you weren't supposed to be where you thought you should be.
Let the little things go, they don't matter.
Blogging IS fun. I too like to be in the loop n my buddies' latest.
I had to install the pet door, all 3 pets were driving me crazy in different ways. Now they come in and out of the back yard when they wish. Kitty sure can have his own schedule and ideas on life.
Connection prblems make me cuss, sometimes out loud.
Great you got on to post.
Very interesting photo, what effect is that under?
deer snaggils,
are you now having yor day off? Is yoo goeing swiming?
and dansing?
and solving mystrees in the nayborhood? We has mutch mystrees heer to solv.
i bin reeding lots of nansy drew. my jannie say i getting "funy ideas in my hedd" butt i kno reel mystrees do hapen heer. liek someone steeled some of jazmeen the skwirrle's nutts. and we must get to the botom of it!! i haz a camera hiding and set up to see the kulprit. i think one of the krows.
geoing now to eets mor kookies.
see yoo soons.
wit loves,
Mischief sounds as if she liked that game. I hope you are rested by now, Snaggle.
I'm thinking
the cat.
is on
the computer
is gone
The days
is blown
and life
is unknown
the traffic and server
is slow
I’d better
Just go
Talon, yes, Mischief can sometimes remind me why BBM named her that! My ISP must be having major equiptment outages with the recent lighting storms. Yay- I'm on today!
Paige, Good point- n would rather be home than at work- Just need bux n not to lose the job!
Things do get to lately- pretty stressed out-
JanF, At the after work point I'm reallty too physically sore to do much- this does relax me. Tough to get so spoiled...
Mischief never goes out when I'm not here, she's just an indoor cat with (curtailed) privileges!
Would you believe that is a water pic? feedback- over custom dolor effect.
BB, please read next post if it will work, that is!
Is Nasty Drew naked drawings???
Oh, red wong-
Lynn, it's amazing I could actually pick her up like that- other cats would've struggled more- She is really good! One of the best- just wanted more time out-
working on that rest now-
Elis, you snuck in under me today...
The kitty sure knows what she's doing...
Do you have a cat?
Have you been experiencing
Hi-speed internet service?
Is your Puter less
than 9 years old?
Than you certainly are blessed!
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Snaggle, Snaggle
Please watch what you say
This old man can take it many ways
Do I have a cat
There is no cat in my hat
Do I go zoom, zoom
Through many a net rooms
My putter was 9 years old
Over fifty two years ago
As for being blessed
That’s the hardest part you see
For that old devil he keeps
A very close eye on me
Ellis, hope I haven't offended you in some unrealized fashion...
hmmm- Yes, apparently my machine here on a dial-up modem is sooo slow, your previous comment got way ahead of the first comment replies...?
You are indeed clever to think in so many ways...
I'm sorry there's no kitty hair stuck on your clothes!
Putters on the golf course, are much slower than (com)Puters on the internet, but mine is almost as slow- I'm jealous of you fast clicker slickers...
Each is blessed in some ways, but not in others- I'm just greatful to be online today!
No offence have you ever done
I was just having a bit of fun
Ellos, Whew! maybe you hated my slang-
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