
Under the town center's Narrows bridge at low tide, I recently spied these oxidizing supports. I applied some effects n voila` another mysterious pic for ESR! Color really does make a big difference in the scene's perception. Seems like another world for my sci-fi imaginings. I perceive a person's profile form wearing a blue shirt on the right side of this pic...
I want to thank Joey for suggesting to his readers to use colorizing projects on his Wardrobe Wednesday post graphics ages ago, when first I visited his pad. I really have little graphic wardrobe to show off for that project, but applied it to some photos of my area instead. (Also, I don't stick to a schedule, because ESR is my spontaneous fun). Now I try to change pics this way often, n am pleased with the results.
Lynn recently posted about seeing some Andy Warhol art, which reminds me that he invented the colorizing effect on mainstay icons as art. Without him some of these computer generated effects may never have been thought up. He was an ultimate graphic artist. My pics here are a bit less iconic n more detailed images, but the colorizing is what makes them appealing to me, when otherwise they'd be in the "prob not used to post" pile.
I was actually under there trying to get some Loon pics after trying to get some swan pics. The Loons flew away under the bridge. The swans came out too tiny even in crops for good definition. I prob won't use any of those... Someday I'll get a digi-cam with a good, clear zoom. Until then I'll have to be within ten feet of the wild birds to get you a clear shot!

I always like the colorized image better than the original...
Yes folks, that "person" is nothing but rocks! One is covered with moss...
Thanks for the shout-out Snaggle - I enjoy your colorized photos with special effects very much. And that does look like a man with chiseled face to the right.
nice efforts,
best wishes!
Aww thanks for the shout out Snaggle! Like you, I think it's really cool when I inspire anyone to play around with photos or images and just be creative. To be honest, it's not my skills but Adobe photoshop that I feel I want to promote. I just think it's an amazing software program. Of course it's not the only one, but I use it much more than QuarkXpress or Illustrator.
For me having Wardrobe Wednesday just forces me to focus and create something, without it I'm sure I wouldn't do anything. I need a kick up the backside sometimes! :D
The photo is great. I love the amount of moss on the rock in the first photo. That's amazing! And I love how it defnitely morphed into a person. That is so neat! And I'm laughing at Lynn's pun - "chiseled" face is perfect - lol!
That "rock" person with the blue shirt is hilarious! And so serious faced.
There is something so enticing about the underside of a bridge, and wanting to hang out there, childhood thing I guess. My friends and I had a place we would hang out at about a mile away, near the beach. Secret hideouts. And mysterious clubs we'd form.
And so much is oxidizing, everything really -- even us.
well if he was rolling he would have gathered no moss
yes of course. I like both the original and the artsey one
Funny that Jannie mentions hanging out under bridges...we (me and friends) did that when we were a couple years younger then we are now :-)
Lynn, you're welcome, n deserve it! I was surprized to see that person there, n that I managed to tie my post into what you posted yesterday.
Jingle, Thanks- it's fun!
LLcoolJ, you're welcome, n I did start posting these wierd pics because of your suggestion. Paintshop pro is a jasc program i paid about $80 US for it, but is very similar to Adobe. I also have Arcsoft Photo Impressions which has a color replacer. I used Illustrator back in college- fun.
Ya mean you need motovation?
Talon, Thanks. i loved that moss color so much I made sure I got it into a few frames. Amazing how many times I've seen that rock- n never a face, which is definately is! I'm a sculptor of people sometimes too= I've got a rock chisel here somewhere...
JanF, glad you like my new found friend! He can be a bit hard to get thru to tho... This spot only has an under when it's low tide. High is just a few feet of clearance, where the rust line gets darker. I was standing in a temporarily dry spot, where water would come up to my eyeballs-
Under the Bridge by the Red Hot Chili Peppers is a good tune too!
Paige, well he was quite a Rocker! As strong as Stone-Cold Steve Austin too...
We had a spot on Cheesecake Brook called "Devil's cave" where teens used to hide n smoke ciggs- kinda a tall culvert under a road. There's alot more great spots where I live now. Too bad I don't do that stuff which needs hiding anymore...!
Thank you for stopping by my blog...I passionately believe that Art Saves Lives! You are most welcomed to join in anytime...I imagine you have way more experience in the fine art background that myself. Your photos are are so amazing...Ryan has a slow road to a young man he is often impatient and hurries back to work. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
my girls are grown but still forever hold my heart...
Wow, I totally thought that was a person in the original picture. The altered photo does indeed make me think of alien landscapes... perhaps the base of a city on stilts arising out of a long-flooded plain, and we're down below for some nefarious pretext.
Okay, I got carried away. That can happen with the imagination unleashed. Your artwork is obviously inspiring! :)
Aloha, my Friend
Comfort Spiral
Happy Thursday!
Welcome join my Rally when u r ready!
an award for poetry efforts.
Mary Helen, Thankyou for your return visit. I know art heals my own heart sometimes- Glad you enjoyed my pics. Work is theraputic, tho prob I'm a bit compulsive n stubborn about it as Ryan is- Visit ESR anytime.
Meredith, glad you aprreciated the strangeness of that project! That short post looks to me to be some sort of large, handled, cooking pot... It gets my brain into a wonderous creative location. Cool where it took you too! thanks
Cloudia, Thankyou. So glad your world was alright this week!
JingleYQ, Thankyou for all your recognition n awards- n especially for appreciating my poems!
i mite get an andie warhall done of me!
BB, great idea! Warhol is slightly unavailable tho. What color do ya wanna be?
SunshineBaba, Thanks
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