Mo Sno

That's the summer neighbor's little window in front of the Huckleberry tree branches, n vines all wearing snow.

. You can see the gleam of B-cove's water thru the snowy trees from here, (better with the eyes than my cam).

There's thick evergreen vines on the bottom of the HuckleBerry tree trunk.

MapleBeard has alot of snow to eat.
Today it warmed enough to clear most of the road pavement, n driving was way easier.
.I should really stop blogging so much n sleep more... (Oh well)!
It's so beautiful! MapleBeard?
I like your unusual names for the trees and places. as a long time reader i appreciate your spirit and strength in hard times, and I draw energy from your innate goodness
MapleBeard looks beautiful in his white coat!
Lovely pics. I love when the snow clings to everything and transforms it. I'm glad it's not clinging to the road as much :)
Lynn, the early light just made me stick my head out the window, even at 14F degrees- MapleBeard's face previously shown in several posts is behind the phone lines in that pic. It's a huge Maple tree! I'm on the second floor, btw-
David, thanks- it took me some time to develope this naming habit! Use of compound words without a space n an imbedded uppercase was totally invented on ESR! thanks- some days I'm good-er than others- (I know it's "better")
Talon, He's a grand tree no matter the weather- The snow shapes were so whimsical, like abstract art to me! Like "Snow Faeries" perhaps...
Hope you slept well?
Magical! Laden. Luscious.
I love the B cove through the trees, your camera eye is as good as it gets.
The Montrealer in me appreciates these photos more than I can possibly say. You've captured the blanket-like results of a major storm better than I ever could. I can almost feel what it must be like to first look out the window and see this wonderland.
JanF, Right after the snow is always the best part! Seeing those water ripples while sitting at the table looking out that window are some of my best times here...
Carmi, Thanks for the visit n the pics compliment! Always a challenge to have enough contrast n objects in the frame to give snow definition. I've taken my share of washouts of snow years past...
The food market is still plastered with this stuff all over the facade, you can't read it!
Note: readers, I highly recommend you visit Carmi's blog at written inc. It's on my sidebar.
What gorgeous pictures of your snow! And I bet MapleBeard is enjoying his mouthfuls of snow. I can't stop eating snow on hikes. :) Yup, we still have it here, too!
ThommaLyn, thanks. here the road traffic unfortunately gets the snow dirty fairly quick- At least on the mountain there's no driving-
A banner year for snow there! Folks must be getting used to it.
I just can't image being in all that snow for so long.
David said it well
well we were suposed to get a bunch of snow this very same storm, in fact most places closed or had an early release at 12:30.. We endeed up with less than an inch. LMAO. even the weather guy apologized for such a "bust of a forecast". We're supposed to get more tonight and tomorrow.. ha! we'll see. I want more snow.. we haven't had a single "good" snow storm yet!
Paige, never mind driving in it, at 3 am- I guess it melts up really quick there in Texas huh...
I don't mind cause I made it home safe, thanks
MB, So you had to do the daycare home early shuffle? I think the weather guys always want it to snow- affecting predictions. None there yet?
You'll get a couple inches prob Weds, (n Metro West) but here will be a rain mix day- that's my forecast! I hope Li gets to try sliding soon!
we got less than 3 inches.. this is a drag I want a good nor'easter!
MB, better than none? Most years you get the mother-load near the Berkshires there- Not a normal weather year!
Yes, it's so neat how you get to see the cove through those winter trees, that I assume obscure the water when the leaves are on?
Your photos are so powerful and beautiful, Snag. I am ever appreciative of your artistic eye.
JanF, Folks here actually pay extra local "waterview" taxes, even when the leaves, or another home is in the way. In the summer there's still a patch of the boat ramp visible while sitting at the table.
Thanks, I do have a degree in Visual Design, which helps.
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