....Six months ago, I took these pics out on the deck. For different reasons, I never posted them back in August in favor of better choices at the time. Perhaps they are more appropriately serving the purpose of a cheer-up for me now in the depths of a low-color winter.
.All my house plants are going dormant in the chill inside. The Christmas Cacti are currently shedding spent blossoms, n I had to wash pesty, white flies off the African violets that wanted to bloom again, but stopped due to the interference.
I had so many shades of bright pink n purple last summer. It's a good week for these colors, ending with St. Vals Day. The petunias were a dollar bargain which earned their keep right thru October. I didn't get alot of good pics of my garden tho- These had too much white-background wash-out due to the bright sunshine behind them. Still, the blossom colors are yummy.
Somehow, the impatiens I bought years ago keep popping up in odd spots. In another month, it'll be time to start some seeds indoors to transplant out there again.
.Oh how I miss the green of my deck garden, n seeing the bright petals...
Won't be but 8 weeks or so until you see the crocus and daffodils again? Or even less than that.
Your container garden was glorious. And will be again, I'm sure.
Thanks for these cheery pick-me-ups. A site for sore eyes indeed.
JanF, A couple months is too long to wait sometimes. My green thumb is magic in the summer, but winter kills off most of them, even brought in. The squirrels can make it tough sometimes- I wish I had a better cam for close-ups.
Yeah, I miss nature too. The snow is melting and the grown is dirty but just seeing grass the last few days has done wonders.
The photos are refreshing and beautiful. I'm partial to pink myself - one of those standout colours in the garden. Funny enough, I was looking at garden pics yesterday and with the sudden warm spell, I can actually see parts of the flower beds again and it makes me antsy to get out there...
All the indoor plants are droopy, much like me. I keep telling them it won't be long, but always this time of year seems to drag its heels.
The other day I posted a pic of the crocus in the front yard that I took last April and I'm counting the days until I see it again.
Janus, I'm depressed about the lawn too, because the kids downstairs are driving all over it so it is ruined- but yes, the melted landscape is a reminder of green.
Talon, Thankyou, I never liked pink til I got all these flowers the past few years. What I get depends what lives from the seeds planted. I adore the impatiens colour, so saturated. The landlord people always kill the yard plantings, but the 20 or so pots on the deck will all get a make-over. It's one of my fav hobbies, n a rewarding one, usually.
I did notice your plant pics, you have a good cam n eye for it. Wonder how long your Crocus will wait-
Your photos are great, keep going!!! Thanks for coming by my site!
missing the green here
but lots of rain will make for green foothills soon, just a short drive away. God is good, and just as near in the winter seasons.
Mel, Glad you like them, your welcome. Thanks for stopping in!
David, Ya, my mind knows it, but waiting is difficult in the drabs here! If only the house-plants would keep going-
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