An Ivory, Artic Sea Gull was spotted in Plymouth harbor this week near the harbormaster's office.
It certainly does look n feel like the Artic around here lately! But seriously, the strange weather climate changes, will certainly change survival habits of many species.
Are Polar Bears swimming in next? I still dream about them sometimes, as mentioned in the archives. I'm more paranoid of species dying out than their relocating, however.
The above article also mentions only about 200 of those pretty white birds were recorded being sighted by Canadian Authorities recently-
I also wonder, where is the rest of the traveler's flock?
Follow the link above to see that Ivory bird's pic. The grey gull in this pic from the other day is tough to spot ontop of the tall snoball in front of the background jette.
That's pretty interesting - did they have any theories as to why the gull was so far south? We are having a very cold winter this year, as we did last year. I'm starting to wonder about the polar bears as well.
Thanks for the post and the wintry picture!
Tanya sent me
you live in a magical place
and it is enhanced by your deep spirituality and awareness.
It is good to have your eyes looking out for us.
ebelskivers in solvang ( a food blog)
Wow, he's beautiful.
I wonder what them being so far south indicates?
What a gorgeous bird. It's very scary how the climate changes are affecting the eco-system. Very scary.
MW, they only mentioned global warming n changing food sources. Unfortunateky, I have a ton of Artic-y pics this year already! Brrrh-
David, It's good to have an excuse to go look around, n get to share the sights.
Thanks for the answer to my question- I'll go see what ebelskiver is- what a wierd name!
JanF, I think we should get ready for more animal territory strangeness to do with global warming displacements- These birds may soon be extinct-
Talon, the situation as explained by Science sources n in the Al Gore film, "An Inconvenient Truth" paints a very bleak picture for about 90 percent of all animal species, which will probably be affected. Breaking links in the food chain has a ripple effect. I studied Earth n ocean sciences in college, n have been aware of this change since '90.
Yes, there is a lot of things we should be concerned about. I've been reading for the last several years about the shifts...and one that really scares me is the sudden deaths of the bees. I don't know how so much damage already caused could be reversed...and I'm afraid that people are a little too slow to realize the horrible consequences on nature from our industrialization.
Talon, I agree that humans should be far more concerned about the state of our planet, because suddenly missing species will affect all our lives in ways not even known yet- perhaps keep us from finding important disease cures.
I wrote a post "Where's the Buzz" in Aug'08 about the Bees n "Colony Collapse Disorder."
There's some good links with info to click in it in case you're interested in checking it out.
Really, I'm a scientist at heart-
My life is an endless experiment!
I saw a thing on Arctic Walruses, sad how they are not having the ice floes last as they used to. But maybe it's cyclical. Hopefully.
JanF, the polar bears go 4 months without eating, then swim out to hunt, but can't eat without a place to get out of the water, without the ice flows- so they starve n drown.
I assume the Walrus need to protect the young n get away from the Tiger sharks which feed on them n the seals.
How plentiful are seagulls? Why did Canada only count 200 sightings in 4 years? The Melted ice n Permafrost layer is wreaking havok! Many species won't be able to rebound.
You can tell, I'm passionate about these animals-
Thanks for the info, Snaggle Tooth. I'll enjoy reading even more on the subject. I did some research on it myself (and a post about it back in July) when I read about a mishap involving a truck carrying bees that were being transported for pollination to New Brunswick. I love nature and am an avid gardener and really rely on nature to work her magic to make my garden beautiful. It's upsetting to see the changes in the population of bees and butterflies. I try to do my part - not using chemicals, etc., conserving water, composting - and it's scary because while you can really try to take care of your little corner of the planet, it's impossible to trust an industrialized world to do the same. Hopefully governments will really start buying into the green movement and take the vital steps necessary to preserve the planet for at least a few more generations.
Talon, I'll have to go read that July post of yours. The Honey Bee disorder is potentially devasting for everyone in lost crops. We really need to solve that problem ASAP. It is tough to know you can't convince everyone how critical green thinking is for our futures.
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