When I looked up the moon name for the one I took the pic of last eve, I got all these- "April: Egg Moon, Pink Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon, Fish Moon, Seed Moon, Waking Moon." Even the weather guy called it the "Pink Moon," which is the Native American version, referring to an early herb flower, moss pink, or wild ground phlox, according to both the Farmers Almanac n Wikipedia. I've never personally seen the plant mentioned...
My eye sees the nuances of the Moon's features far better than my cam records it, but here Luna is coming up over B-cove just before twylight. I like the reflections.
Good luck to all those participating in the Boston Marathon later today.
I can only imaging being there...
hey - glad you are appreciating what is all around you.
Life is good
Xray, it still drives me crazy when the moon looks so big until you take a photo of it- but ya, it's a great feeling.
David, this place is easy to enjoy, until all the crowds show up, that is-
Every seven years or so, give or take a few, my birthday was a holiday! And they ran a marathon that day too!!!!
Love you!!!
Fleen, Ya, Monday was Patriots Day in MA on the Concord Green also- where "The shot heard around the world" took place- the re-enactment of the start of the American Revolution against the Redcoats (for you non-MA folks).
Not on your Bday this year, hope you had your own holiday anyhow, n a great week-end also!
Thankyou for my b-day card! Luv U
U should read my latest blog
It's always important to take a moment and enjoy everything little thing... even the moon. ;)
Fleen, You're welcome. I'll make it there soon, but am sick today.
Zoey, I love the moom n stars. It's free, n doesn't take alot of time. It's strange how the cam view differs from the eye view-
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