I had a short errand run on short funds today. It was a nice sunny day I almost slept all the way thru- but bitter cold, especially in the wide open wind. Other folks were there, but never got out of their vehicles...
I'm brave, tho. Walking out there is one of my fav activities. I'm greatful for having this place, for being able to see, to walk, n to have time to do this every now n then. it always makes me feel better. Out here, I feel I have all the space I need.
Many of the larger boulders are shifted around from last year, the winter ice has amazing strength with the tidal movement. The seaweed pile has accummulated many more red plants in the past weeks too, I noticed. Many more flocks of birds, including alot of Canadian geese are at this beach now.
Our town is so broke, they're laying off teachers. I wonder if this place will get any maintainence at all, or revert back to the wild, as it seems to be currently. Time will tell.

I finally got a few pics with a round sun-setting disk in them on my digi-cam. It's no accident I get alot of these great shots. I live with beautiful surroundings nearby to capture. It helps to feed my soul with wonders of creation, when monetary rewards evade me, because I still feel rewarded.
Well another week-end edition of SNL n the orig Star Strek has just slid by, n I've just avoided that eight-page state tax form for many hours, by goofing around in all this free-time (messing with the day's new digi-pics). It's fairly chilly in here, n I'm hugging tea-kettle water in a bottle with a mug-handle to chase away the brhh.
It's time to face the tax-forms again... If only they were art forms!
Gramps I miss you!
Last night we watched "Dan in Real Life" and while I was expecting Comedy and got Romantic Comedy... aka sappy date movie, I thought of you all night. Yes, the movie is filmed in RI, not MA, but it just gave me an idea about your sleepy little coastal town.
I am praying all goes well for you this week!
Xray, I'm actually closer to Rhode Island than to Boston btw... this place is only quiet in the off season. It gets pretty crowded n loud in about two more months.
Thanks for putting in words for me-
I need all the help I can get!
It'll be awhile before I go to any movies- but I'll wait patiently for the dvd.
hi just me thought I would let you know I found my blog again and posted something all pet oners that have pet's with colers & name tags,I do agree with you can't wate till summer,so i can go to the beach,but the town won't let me go on them,till next I see you...
Buddy, I'll get over to your blog soon.It almost seems like summer with all this 48 degree heat n rain today. Thanks for the visit.
Well Buddy I saw your page but it wouldn't let me comment today. Maybe next time-
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