Don't Blink

You might've missed it. That warm fifty-three degree air which I witnessed through my open truck-window for my ride home at 4:30 am. The arrival of Spring was fleeting, n proved to be only a word, not a fact, just five hours later when another cold snap moved in, with a brisk wind for those bone-chilling sub-z wind-chill temps again.
At least the past three days of drenching finally cleared up, n the sun was blinking through the cloud banks before sunset during my errand run.
The water here wasn't too bad compared to the midwest where deadly floods picked a new zone to attack this year.
Seems devasting flooding is becoming a more common occurrence in our country. Like playing Russian roulette, it's a crap shoot who it'll hit next.
Take your choice of weather-related maladies, too hot, too cold, too much precip, too little, wild fires, strong winds, micro-bursts, tornados (even out of season), n storms. No matter your home zone, we've been dealing with weather-related hardships.
All we can predict is, our circumstances are unpredictable!
Our cities, towns, n personal budgets too, are all taking a beating. The roads n bridges are a mess. Financial catch-up will be difficult for most.
The roads are beating on my truck. Potholes around MA are like driving around a land-mine obstacle course. Coming up with fuel n heat bux is tough, never mind new suspension parts. (bouncy ride). I'm so worn out, I don't know how I'll find my way to get more done, but I must.
My poor arm got run into with an over-tired co-worker's misled metal rack (not again) this week, n I'm glad it can still move, tho it has a deep bruise. I'm also greatful the three-days of precip wasn't snow, n so no shovel was required (Arm says "whew!").
Now, if I could just shut-off the heat devices to stop running up the bill...
n have enough warmth in here to cure paint properly... I could work on some put-off ideas, n sell a few. Oh well, not today- too busy trying to stay warm again. (It makes the paint dry with unsightly cracks).
Spring is on the calender day. March is (cliche`) "In like a lion, out like a lamb," (Please). We're past the middle, made it through the Ides again. There's still a need to beware, tho-
Beware the weather, the conditions, the spending, the tax-man, n the tired people running into us. It's not enough to watch-out for yourself, because usually, you won't see the stuff coming!
Back to the endless grind...
Yesterday was 60 degrees here, and today a blizzard in comparison.
I am so sick of potholes, I even am getting sick of pots. I want to use my grill again!
Oh and the financial thing, the whole country is experiencing it, so so so sad...
Spring will start soon my friend, have patience...
Xray, 60 F would be heavenly. I am getting impatient, on so many fronts. I need a change-
I am loooovvvving the 40 degree days around here.... I opened windows today in hopes of dust flying out. lol..
Have a good Easter!
oops.. that was me posting not my husband whose account was logged in and I didn't notice
Jay & MB, that was funny, because I read it n said, hey is that him?
(Well, you are one)! Hop-hippity Day Sugar-rush to all of you, too!
More comments is good anyhow- been slow around here awhile-
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