Why? What is the meaning of life? Of surviving other's early death?
I wonder why we end up working where we do, adding to our view of who we are. Why is it so easy to work with some folks, n others bug the bejeebas out of you no matter what?
One of my co-workers called in Dead to work today. I found out about a half-hour after going in the door. Why that one?
Just yesterday at work I was helping his wife to set stuff up before the end of their shift. He'd been running an important head-of-the-line role for about a year now. It's a physically demanding position. I remember when he first started, I'd worked with him often.
He was a heavy-set n very strong guy. I'd never occassion to be bothered by anything he'd done. (You better believe there've been plenty of folks there who've driven me nuts)! He was easy-going, kind, n helpful.
He was in his early-thirties, the father of three, n mysteriously passed away in his sleep. His poor wife! What a shocking way to awaken! ("Honey, Honey? NOoo-!") How do you recover from such a thing?
In the late nineties, a man of only thirty-six I'd known since my childhood passed on in a similar fashion, without any apparent cause. Perhaps it was a brain hemmorrage, or a burst anyorism, or heart failure, n perhaps we'll never know.
I think it's probably easier for the mind to come to grips with the fact of an accidental death. At least you can point to a direct cause of the deed, even if you can't figure out why it had to happen to them...
This young person with no apparent reason stuff is hard to digest. So many of my other co-workers are just about that age. Aside from feeling the loss of a work buddy, you know they're all thinking, "That could happen to me!" It's just plain scary to contemplate...
Because, as my reaction on hearing the tragic news was to state, "It just goes to show, you never know."
Life is short for the good.
There doesn't appear to be rhyme or reason to the harvest of souls. The hardship endured by survivors is immeasurable. N the lessons learned are forever. Take no one for granted.
Don't ask if you're next, (assume you are).
Of course, I'm so miserable lately, I'll prob live forever- I already have compared to that guy!
God rest his soul, n care for his family.
'Tis why its good to live every day as if it were your last.
Xray, exactly! Don't say I'll stop to be kind another day. Don't deny your help, when it's cleary needed. Don't assume there will be time later to make up for the bad things you do. Sometimes, there's no second chance to get it right-
Only the good die young, so I strive to be a little bad at least...
well not really.
That is one thing about life, no one gets out alive. So if you got to live, live it good and live it happy.
Janus, I've had that Billy Joel tune running thru my mind alot lately, myself! I think the grumpier I am, the longer I'll live... I'll just say that my workday is suddenly much less endurable-
No mater how someone goes it hearts I just lost a cosuin to a car,Osker he was only going on 8 almost (64) in your age...
But it still bad for the rest of us
Buddy, Of course losing anyone suddenly stinks, especially the family. That's the worst. At least my old friend Osker or my work friend didn't have to suffer being sick first.
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