Sea Me

The Feast of Saint Valentine is not my favorite holiday. I remember very few of them in my adult life thus far as being good times for me. The majority of these occassions have been spent as a single social entity.
This hallmark day seems to have been invented to celebrate couples, n insult singles.
The only good part of this one, is the excuse to eat chocolate! Of course I'm waiting for tomorrow to buy some at discount. I didn't get to deliver any Val-Day greetings, so far no one has been answering. Of course, I didn't have time until after dark, after my normal rushed errand run.
I only needed a couple of things, n boy was the store loaded with lost men shoppers! I wish I could've waited another day for the store trip. The flower line at the market was the longest I've ever seen since they openned the new Department. I'm not big on flower presents at all. Aside from my deck n yard plantlings n an occassional Rose or Daisy (what a combo that makes- my favs!), I don't care for receiving blossoms.
How about finding a new patron Saint n holiday for grumpy, lonely people? Finding a way to celebrate independence n self-sufficiency would be a great boost for my mood. Hmmm... I'll have to work on this idea- when I ever have more time beyond the must-do list, that is-
So to help my sun-deprivation factor, I stopped at my fav place in the world before sunset to see what digi-cam does there. As I'd suspected, it was much more difficult to get clear shots in the windy conditions than reg film, n the sun is an undefined blob in stead of a disk, as I've observed in other folks pics.
I now have a ton of seaweed n rock shots for my digi collection. Although I froze my hands off even with gloves on, I didn't make it there in time to capture ice flows before they melted away, leaving shells n junk piled up high on the tide mark with no remaining ice-cone evidence. (If you want to see some great icy forms from this spot, see Feb '07 archives).
So I celebrated the sunshine, the ocean, the Creator, n my independence today. All you other folks- enjoy your togetherness n presents.
I had to buy my own chocolates. I know more people that despise the holiday than enjoy it.. my husband is one of those.. (mainly due to the fact it is only a commercial holiday)
MB, I won't make the store until Sat, so hope some of the good dark-chocs 65% are still left! Day after deals are always better- Xmas is a commercial Day too...
There is no need to find a 'new patron saint n holiday for grumpy, lonely people, cause we already have one!
It's called St. Patrick's Day!!!
Fleen, hmmm, but I'm not Irish! I want a new, exclusive Saint n holiday-
We actually don't really get into Valentines day, we just celebrate our birthday and skip the Hallmark festival.
I am not single, but I will be the patron Saint for lonely bitter people. St. Janus of Naperville, catchy huh.
Now I hope I don't have to get killed for my faith to be canonized or something.
Janus, So kind of you to volunteer. Persecution is over-rated!
Wow mised this big holladay I hate it as i can't have chock-o-licj(Bad For me)
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