I wonder if our broke town will be able to foot the bill to clean-up this mess in the spring. I haven't seen this much stuff piled up here since after Hurricane Bob.
This seaweed n shell barrier mote is a seagull's feast, filled with all kinds of shell-fish meat, previously frozen, now thawed. The birds, all full, were just lounging lazily beyond the water's edge.
Besides the majority of Lady-Slippers in the shell-section, I observed large crab parts, many mediun to small scallops, baby osters, n easily found two five-inch long Whelk shells, which I haven't found at this beach before. This is alot of wash-up!
We have had several ocean-storms this winter, but I've never seen this many dead shell-fish with meat still attached! You could pave many driveways with those crushed lady-slipper shells.
This bay tends to have alot of seaweed. The majority are the thick green strands which attach to rocks n shellfish to use for their sinkers, n floating eel grass. There are acres of saltmarsh behind the parking area, also a plant n shell-fish friendly zone. There is alot of lost sea-life in this humounguos, withering pile.
It'll take a bulldozer days to get this sand visible...
i just looked at this picture full size, and man that IS a whole lotta shells and seaweed! the shells is like a small mountain.. makes me wonder what happened out at sea to have that stuff float in
MB, exactly my point. I've done oceanography studies, n I know something is up- just don't know what. Maybe this is Global warming effects? The pile is very large!
Grabs had them befor and thay are so hard to crunch and swollow..Buddy(Next)
Buddy, ya watch out! those shells will break your teeth- plus they're too salty...
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