Super Tues

I have to get up after a few hours of shut-eye, wait in line at the school to vote, pick a ballot 'cause I'm Independent, walk back home, n then go to work. I won't vote for Mitt, that's all I'll devulge about my choice.
This Snow is down to diminished snow-heaps again. We're having a nice warm 40 degree F rain. That's my street going up the hill, taken from the back-beach, less than a week ago.
The pile of candidates is dwindled down, too-
we got some snow it seems to have either slowed down or stopped. I don't know picking the right canidate is like picking a bra, it's going to be with ya for a long time. I owe that bit of wisdom to Dunkin Donuts French Vanilla .
i guess you guys DID get alot of snow.. yikes! we're supposed to get a bunch of rain today or tomorrow I can't remember which.. but either way it should melt more of our snow... some of which is still left fromt that big storm in Dec!
Your photo kinda looks like here, snow and melty stuff. I hate voting primaries because I have to pick a ballot. But I have to. This county is predominately Republican, so if you get a Dem ballot it is practically blank. What if I want to vote for a Republican in this category and a Democrat in another>? Tough luck.
I guess I will head out... eventually, but I will head out.
well, as a non-partisan, I could not vote for any candidate, so I await with anticipation for the results...
Skye, lol-! I'll be surprized if the one I picked actually wins...
Apparently there've been rouge winter twisters in 6 states today- Better snow than that!
MB, that was a day after, settled- I shoveled 2 foot drift in the drvwy! You can see how melted the piles are now in the Pat-blow-up yard. You always get more at high elevation there next to the Berkshires- good luck clearing that out.
Warm here today!
Xray, Hmmm, without the water, it could be any-where Northern US! Yeah, our entire Town Committee was on the Dem ballot! Rep was blank- then the green ticket was even worse! Primaries are tough on the voters, I think- good luck!
Fleen, You couldn't vote? empty ballot? Bummer! I'm much more interested in next years results!
Hey snags...
Because of my party affiliation, I didn't get to vote for a presidential nominee in our primary, but there were plenty of other issues on the ballot. By next June, I'll re-register so that I have a little more say in who goes in the congressional primary.
Nice shot... I still love the snow!
PS: You got a My Space?? Me n' your sis are friends!!
Mike, Our town had a low turn-out (5k). Hillary n Mitt won, only 7 votes were cast for the Green Party! Zero for Workers Party- No other issues were on the ballots- except Town Committee members on the Dem ticket.
Remember how I was reluctant to signup on Google when Blogger got taken over? I'm still not on Myspace yet. One of the few...
Hey Snaggs,
There is nothing wrong with being non-partisan...Dad was... I will NOT change my voting status just to vote for a candidate in a primary election.
I like the fact that I am not affiliated with a specific party. It frees me from any stigma and allows me to vote for whom ever I want to!
Fleen, I'm Independent, which means I'm not either Dem or Rep, n can vote on whichever I want without re-signing up as "Unenrolled." The rules have changed recently- I used to have to declare a party, then fill out another form to go back!
I know what you mean about not feeling stuck!
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