Where Are U Hiding?

Maple Beard has several cavities where the critters may be hibernating. In the summer, screech owls have babies there.
The blogworld seems to have slowed to a crawl! I keep running out of new posts to read, n have to go searching for the new, branching out. Commentors are fewer this month as well.
Everyone is busy trying to recover from the holiday rush, I guess. My stuff isin't even finished yet, but hey, now I have more time, while everyone else seems to have less, for blogging at least.
Where did everyone go?
(Wish I had a lurk meter)!
I'm hear, but busy.. i was thinking yesterday that I needed to post, but often I just don't get to it.
if you want a really good meter for your page try google analytics. or sitemeter
MB, I wasn't referring to the busy moms like you, but it's everyone!
I didn't get a meter yet just because I don't wanna slow down my page load time with my lousy connection speed as it is. But Thanks for the suggestions to check out.
Hi Snagg, I was hiding underneath the log, hibernating. Its supposed to get 30 below with windchill this weekend, so why not?
Actually, I am in development for a weblog for the ministry that I spend time with at church, so I have been trying to figure out wordpress. Yes, I am cheating on blogger... don't tell them.
I have tons to say, just no time to post....
I agree with the traffic on blogs this month, it is quite slow. Well, I'm getting views, but no comments. Can't figure out if I'm just too boring, or people are too busy? LOL!
Thanks for the visit to my blog ;)
I'm here! I'm here!!! I'm lurking!! I measured a 1.875 on the Lurk-A-Meter!
Luv U Snaggs!
Xray, Wordpress-ah ha! I hear it's pretty quirky- I'll check it out sometime. So you are actually blogging... wonder how hard it is to get an open-forum, multi-user submission thing going...
Jenty, I'm glad it's not just my observation! I don't think it's ever been this slow since I started ESR in '05-
Your blog is great, I'll add it to links soon. Everybody go look!
Fleen, So you're checking my blog almost twice a day? cool... I don't even check it that often, except on Day Off. LvU2
I think this time of year has everyone in a slump in one way or another... but soon things will pick up :)
Zoey, everyone seems to be having it tough lately- Winter usually gets people blogging more as an indoor activity. Lets hope you're right!
Hey Snaggle, I've been cleanning and re-stringing my guitar untill a key shattered in my hand. Now I have a new project!!!
we are not hibernating here, but sometimes wish we could.
Bless you for your prayers for Minerva.
Skye, that's terrible! Tough to tune-up that way- A music store may just sell you the gear assembly if you can handle the repair yourself, or there's always pliers to tighten it in an emergency (if that works).
David, sometimes I make myself late because I have to do my ever-increasing list of petitions. All I know is, since I began, it has worked for each person included. I don't dare stop!
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