Patriots conference game against the San Diego Chargers is tomorrow,

n I'll have to leave for work in the middle of the game. I wanted to take a pic of a plastic blow-up Patriot I drove by earlier, but it was deflated on my way back. If they win, I'll prob get another chance at it. It's getting pretty cold for that contest in Foxboro, which isin't too far from here,
(less than an hour). ...The tv news said it's way too cold for the Packers vs Giants game in Green Bay Wisconsin tomorrow, too. Wonder if folks will freeze to death in their seats...
The sub-frozen air is certainly blasting now, n prob will spew a few flakes around here also. Most of what we had before melted away, except for some refrozen ice, n ugly, diminshed snow-heaps.
Besides the cold n the Pats, not alot is going on around here lately except trying not to complain, not spend money, or not read those nasty bills! Three bucks a gallon or more for heating oil, n gasoline also, is a disaster, even for the Electric Co delivery charge for my place.
...Even if the prez dishes out another tax-rebate, it'll be too little, too late again, n all go to pay for the outrageous heating cost.
...These days, anything above freezing is warm, n even that costs too much...
Alright Pats! Hey are you colder than me ? We're @ 5 with a wind chill of -15. Forcast for snow and more snow!!!
And with any luck the Crotch-riot's plane crashes on it's way to Arizona in a storm.
If that happens, I will acknowledge that there is a god.
Skye, you win(?) this round. We're way up in the teens here! WC about Zero. You're right next door to the more frozen game of the week-end-
The Patriots really had to work at it today- The Giants are the next challenge. A kid at work predicted that team back in Oct.
Neo, what's odd is that stupid song was stuck in my head on the way home, so I knew you'd leave a message today! I wonder how warm it is in AZ right now...
Fleen, Yep, n it's gonna be a tough contest against the Giants, who used to be managed by some of the Pats guys now, including the coach, the last time Giants won a Super Bowl...
Any excuse for a SB party is a good one- but I prob gotta work-
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