I'm so hungry I shouldn't even be looking at this sign, cause I can't afford any of Marc's food this week. I just wanted to share the pretty lights n see how they'd come out on the digi yesterday while picking up the mail. These dudes own the entire block next to the bluffs, n run four different restaurants there. One is just Ice-Cream. They have eat-out food industry down to a science!
I like seeing so much at once in this pic. The reflection of the trees on the bluff, the inside of the pizzeria, n outside the front window. This is the side view of the place. I cropped out the rest of the exterior building from the original to just show the window.
RU hungry? (It works for me)!
yeah, what can I eat from there on weight watchers? lol!
You did that Just right!
Xray, they do have salads, n some grilled food from the seafood place. They specialize in Italian- would be tough sticking to the plan-
Skye, Thanks.
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