Finally, Day Off n I've got so much to do I can't figure out what to do next. (Ok, so I'll blog in between...). I got up early n went for an errand drive to Plymouth. On the way home daylight was diminishing, but I stopped to take a few pics. (like this icy bog at sunset).
A few shots turned out alright, even tho the cam batteries were dying out. I haven't sprung for the expensive recommended Batts yet. I found out the dispay darkens n some pics come out dark or dim in cold, low-batt conditions. (Still haven't finished the cam manual reading, either).
I also decided someday I want to spring for a better 8+-megapixel model, for better close-up quality resolution. I'm getting alot of fuzzy birds n planes lately. I'd like to zoom way in on a Poppin or a plane taking off right next to me n have a good one... (got a ton of bad ones).
Yep, I bet it's nice n toasty in Scottsdale Arizona. We're coming up to SuperBowl Sunday in just a couple of days. I saw a bunch of people picking up party supplies at the market today. My dilemma is that I have to work n miss the game. I could tape it on SLP, but my recorder has bad quality playback in SLP mode, which would make it tough to watch when I get home. I'll prob try, anyhow.
I'm really going to miss the commercials! It's my fav part. Oh yeah, n maybe my local team will get that trophy. In which case, the local news is reporting, the parade would have to be to City Plaza on Super Tuesday, which is Prez-Primary Day, which would really mess up the voting thing for some folks, never mind everyone else's schedules. Talk about bad traffic...
Naturally, I get to miss sleep to vote before work. The last governor's election had a two-hour line snaking around the school's corridors. I don't have that kind of time this turn. Hope I make it thru work without too many stupidly-tired mistakes.
Turns out that I am arm-sore as hell today. It's amazing I can even type this stuff. Got a hot-water bottle on the shoulder now- The snow has melted down alot. Looks like tomorrows precip may be rain. I'd like a week off from shoveling.
Now back to my 2do list...
Awesome pics sis!
FYI, I'm taping the "Big Game" on Sunday. I have to because I'll be so nervous, I won't be able to watch!
GO PATS!!!!!
Okay, you get in plane, come pick me up,and lets just go to Scottsdale.
Fleen, I think live is preferred only if they get it- I'm sure someone at work (plenty of sports nuts in there) will shout out the result, n I'd rather not know n see it later.
Xray, now that idea makes me wish I'd gone for my pilots license! Sounds like a great plan- Then all we'd need is about 7k for tix n hotel bux, oh n airplane fuel bux! You meant to go to the game, right?
Let's just go to Scottsdale to get out of this snowy weather! The game would be fun too. Go Patriots!
Xray, I can't argue with that! A tropical vaca of any sort would do!
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